首页> 外文会议>Smart Structures and Materials 1995: Smart Systems for Bridges, Structures, and Highways >Assessment of the current condition of structures using nondestructive modeling and parameter estimation techniques

Assessment of the current condition of structures using nondestructive modeling and parameter estimation techniques




Abstract: Structures, however well designed, may experience excessive cycling or variations of design loads. These could result in higher stress levels causing accelerated deterioration or `wear' in these structures. Eventually, these types of deterioration may cause defects or damage in the structure. In case of a bridge, if not detected on time, these types of deterioration may result in catastrophic failures. This paper proposes to develop techniques that will determine the prevailing condition of a structure in a way that will indicate its structural integrity in a quantifiable manner. These techniques will assist in evaluating the existing condition of and will help to design a structure better as well. The performance of a structure can also be predicted by these methods. These techniques will include modeling of a structure, nondestructive testing, and utilization of statistical estimation methods. Most importantly, the methods will provide a `tool' for personnel in charge of the inspection of such structures, bridge inspectors for example, to perform inspections in a more objective and scientific way. Presently, these inspections are generally carried out visually and in a subjective manner. By taking a deflection and/or strain measurement at a point, a bridge inspector, with the help of a set of curves, will be able to quantify the existing condition of that structure compared to its original or new state. Equipped with this tool and periodic checking, an inspector will then be able to assess deterioration of a structure over time. Historical data will then be available for the inspection team to evaluate the performance of the structure. If the data show more than expected `wear,' appropriate action can be taken to avoid occurrences of damages or defects and in extreme cases total replacements of a structure. These actions will not only save resources such as money, material, and time, it may save lives as well. !11
机译:摘要:无论结构如何设计合理,结构都可能遭受过度的循环或设计载荷的变化。这些可能会导致较高的应力水平,从而导致这些结构的加速劣化或“磨损”。最终,这些类型的劣化可能会导致结构缺陷或损坏。在桥梁的情况下,如果不能及时发现,这些类型的损坏可能会导致灾难性的故障。本文建议开发一些技术,这些技术将以一种可量化的方式表明结构的完整性的方式来确定该结构的主要条件。这些技术将有助于评估现有条件,也将有助于更好地设计结构。这些方法也可以预测结构的性能。这些技术将包括结构建模,非破坏性测试以及统计估计方法的利用。最重要的是,这些方法将为负责此类结构检查的人员(例如桥梁检查员)提供“工具”,使其以更加客观和科学的方式进行检查。当前,这些检查通常在视觉上并且以主观的方式进行。通过对一个点进行挠度和/或应变测量,桥梁检查员可以借助一组曲线来量化该结构与其原始状态或新状态相比的现有状态。配备了该工具并进行了定期检查之后,检查人员将能够评估结构随时间推移而发生的劣化。然后,历史数据将提供给检查团队以评估结构的性能。如果数据显示超出预期的“磨损”,则可以采取适当的措施以避免发生损坏或缺陷,并在极端情况下避免对结构进行全面更换。这些行动不仅可以节省金钱,材料和时间等资源,还可以挽救生命。 !11



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