首页> 外文会议>Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems V >Comparison of CO2 laser welding with suture technique for repair of tendons

Comparison of CO2 laser welding with suture technique for repair of tendons




Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy,histology, and strength of laser welding in repair ofsharply transected rat Achilles tendons. In 26 adult,male Sprague-Dawley rats, the severed tendons wererepaired with a 7-0 nylon, modified Kessler core suturefollowed by either a running 9-0 nylon epitendinoussuture or a circumferential CO$-2$/ laser epidendinousweld using 25% human albumin as a solder. All repairswere timed and post-operative tensile strength wasanalyzed with material testing equipment. In addition,histologic testing was performed on both types ofrepairs. The mean time to complete the epitendinousrepair in the laser group was 3.5 minutes and in thesuture group, 8 minutes. The mean ultimate tensilestrength in 6 normal tendons was 40.9 Newtons (N) withgroup standard deviation of 5.2 N. When compared withnormal controls, post-operatively both types of tendonrepairs resulted in tensile failure at lower forces.The ultimate tensile strength for the epitendinoussuture repair and the laser welds were 13% and 6% ofnormal controls, respectively. Twenty tendons withepidendinous suture repair had mean ultimate tensilestrength of 5.4 ($POM@1.2) N, while the 17 tendons withlaser wends failed at 2.6 ($POM@0.9) N. Histologicevaluation of tendons repaired with CO$-2$/ laserrevealed areas of coagulation and edema on the surfaceof tendon edges. Post-operatively, greater tissuechanges were noted in laser treated tendons than thoserepaired with sutures. Laser welding of epitenon ispossible and can be completed faster than the suturerepair. The repaired tendon surface appears smootherand less bulky after laser treatment. However,significantly decreased immediate post-operativestrength was demonstrated by the use of Kruskal-Wallisone way analysis of variance and Turkey's pairwisecomparison.!16
机译:摘要:本研究的目的是评估激光焊接在修复陡峭横断的大鼠跟腱中的功效,组织学和强度。在26只成年雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠中,用7-0尼龙修​​饰的Kessler核心缝线对切断的肌腱进行修复,随后使用9-0尼龙表皮缝合线或使用25%人白蛋白进行圆周CO $ -2 $ /激光表皮焊接作为焊料。安排了所有维修的时间,并使用材料测试设备分析了术后的抗张强度。另外,对两种类型的修复都进行了组织学测试。激光组完成表皮修复的平均时间为3.5分钟,而缝合组为8分钟。 6条正常肌腱的平均极限拉伸强度为40.9牛顿(N),组标准偏差为5.2 N.与正常对照组相比,两种类型的腱修复术后均在较低的力下导致拉伸破坏。激光焊接分别为正常对照的13%和6%。二十根具有缝线缝合修补功能的肌腱的平均极限拉伸强度为5.4($POM@1.2)N,而17条带激光缝合的肌腱的平均拉伸强度为2.6($POM@0.9)N。用CO $ -2 $ /激光暴露区域修复的肌腱的组织学评价肌腱边缘表面有凝结和水肿。术后发现,经激光治疗的肌腱比经缝合修复的肌腱有更大的组织变化。表皮的激光焊接是可能的,并且可以比缝合线修复更快地完成。经激光处理后,修复后的肌腱表面显得更光滑且体积更小。但是,通过使用Kruskal-Wallisone方差分析和土耳其的成对比较,证明了术后即时力量显着降低!16


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