首页> 外文会议>Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 1995. (HotOS-V), Proceedings., Fifth Workshop on >A memory approach to consistent, reliable distributed shared memory

A memory approach to consistent, reliable distributed shared memory




Fault-tolerant distributed shared memory systems do not always need to support a complete and consistent recovery after a failure. We describe a framework, within which different approaches to, and different degrees of consistency and recoverability can be understood. The addition of consistent failure recovery may be approached from two different viewpoints: either by an application-oriented view or a memory-oriented view. The major characteristics used in our framework are variations of availability, consistency, and application support. The paper explains the basic model, which is used in RELIABLE MIRAGE+, and describes how the framework can be used by other researchers to understand and classify solutions to the reliable DSM problem. The model distinguishes a recoverable system, which must be able to survive any single-site failure, from a reliable system which also ensures consistency after the recovery. Since consistency requirements may impose a high penalty on standard operational performance, various relaxed recoverability consistencies are described by the multi-level model. Recovery under this model may be accomplished by applications specifying consistency and availability requirements.
机译:容错的分布式共享内存系统在故障后并不总是需要支持完整且一致的恢复。我们描述了一个框架,在其中可以理解不同的方法以及不同程度的一致性和可恢复性。可以从两种不同的观点来实现一致的故障恢复:通过面向应用程序的视图或面向内存的视图。我们框架中使用的主要特征是可用性,一致性和应用程序支持的变化。本文解释了在RELIABLE MIRAGE +中使用的基本模型,并描述了其他研究人员如何使用该框架来理解和分类可靠DSM问题的解决方案。该模型将可恢复系统与可靠系统区分开来,该系统必须能够承受任何单站点故障,并且该系统还必须确保恢复后的一致性。由于一致性要求可能会给标准操作性能带来很大的损失,因此多级模型描述了各种宽松的可恢复性一致性。此模型下的恢复可以通过指定一致性和可用性要求的应用程序来完成。



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