
Electronic watermarking: the first 50 years




Electronic watermarking can be traced back as far as 1954. The1990s have seen considerable interest in digital watermarking, due inlarge part to concerns about illegal piracy of copyrighted content. Inthis paper, we consider the following questions: is the interestwarranted? What are the commercial applications of the technology? Whatscientific progress has been made? What are the most exciting areas forresearch? And where might the first decade of the new century take us?In our opinion, the interest in watermarking is appropriate. However, weexpect that copyright applications will be overshadowed by applicationssuch as broadcast monitoring, authentication, and tracking contentdistributed within corporations. We further see a variety ofapplications emerging that add value to media, such as annotation andlinking content to the Web. These latter applications may turn out to bethe most compelling. Considerable progress has been made toward enablingthese applications-perceptual modelling, security threats andcountermeasures, and the development of a bag of tricks for efficientimplementations. Further progress is needed in methods for handlinggeometric and temporal distortions. We expect other excitingdevelopments to arise from research in informed watermarking
机译:电子水印可以追溯到1954年。 1990年代,人们对​​数字水印产生了浓厚的兴趣, 大部分是对版权内容的非法盗版的担忧。在 在本文中,我们考虑以下问题:是利益 有必要吗?该技术有哪些商业应用?什么 科学进步了吗?什么是最令人兴奋的领域 研究?新世纪的前十年会把我们带到哪里? 我们认为,对水印的兴趣是适当的。但是,我们 期望版权申请将被申请所掩盖 例如广播监视,身份验证和跟踪内容 在公司内部分发。我们进一步看到各种 为媒体增值的新兴应用,例如注释和 将内容链接到Web。后面这些应用程序可能是 最引人注目的。启用方面已经取得了很大进展 这些应用程序-感知建模,安全威胁和 对策,并开发出一套有效的技巧 实现。处理方法需要进一步的进步 几何和时间扭曲。我们期待其他令人兴奋的 知情水印研究的发展



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