
Designing parallel sparse matrix algorithms beyond data dependenceanalysis




Algorithms are often parallelized based on data dependenceanalysis manually or by means of parallel compilers. Some vector/matrixcomputations such as the matrix-vector products with simple datadependence structures (data parallelism) can be easily parallelized. Forproblems with more complicated data dependence structures,parallelization is less straightforward. The data dependence graph is apowerful means for designing and analyzing parallel algorithm. Howeverfor sparse matrix computations, parallelization based on solelyexploiting the existing parallelism in an algorithm does not always givesatisfactory results. For example, the conventional Gaussian eliminationalgorithm for the solution of a tri-diagonal system is inherentsequential, so algorithms specially for parallel computation has to bedesigned. After briefly reviewing different parallelization approaches,a powerful graph formalism for designing parallel algorithms isintroduced. This formalism will be discussed using a tri-diagonal systemas an example. Its application to general matrix computations is alsodiscussed and its power in designing parallel algorithms beyond theability of data dependence analysis is shown
机译:算法通常基于数据依赖性而并行化 手动或通过并行编译器进行分析。一些向量/矩阵 计算,例如具有简单数据的矩阵向量乘积 依赖结构(数据并行性)可以很容易地并行化。为了 数据依赖结构更加复杂的问题, 并行化不是那么简单。数据依赖图是 设计和分析并行算法的强大工具。然而 对于稀疏矩阵计算,仅基于并行化 利用算法中的现有并行性并不总是能给出 满意的结果。例如,传统的高斯消元法 三对角线系统求解的算法是固有的 顺序的,因此必须要有专门用于并行计算的算法 设计。在简要回顾了不同的并行化方法之后, 设计并行算法的强大图形形式主义是 介绍。将使用三对角线系统讨论这种形式主义 举个例子。它在一般矩阵计算中的应用也是 讨论的内容及其在设计并行算法之外的能力 显示了数据依赖分析的能力



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