
A new task mapping technique for communication-aware schedulingstrategies




Clusters have become a very cost-effective platform forhigh-performance computing. In these systems, the trend is towards theinterconnection network becoming the system bottleneck. Therefore, inthe future, scheduling strategies will have to take into account thecommunication requirements of the applications and the communicationbandwidth that the network can offer. One of the key issues in thesestrategies is the task mapping technique used when the network becomesthe system bottleneck. In this paper, we propose an enhanced version ofa previously proposed mapping technique that takes into account not onlythe existing network resources, but also the traffic generated by theapplications. Also, we evaluate the mapping technique using real MPIapplication traces with timestamps. Evaluation results show that therise of the new mapping technique fully exploits the available networkbandwidth, improving load balancing and increasing the throughput thatcan be delivered by the network
机译:集群已成为一个非常经济高效的平台, 高性能计算。在这些系统中,趋势是朝着 互连网络成为系统瓶颈。因此,在 未来,日程安排策略必须考虑到 应用程序和通信的通信要求 网络可以提供的带宽。这些关键问题之一 策略是当网络变为 系统瓶颈。在本文中,我们提出了增强版 先前提出的映射技术,不仅要考虑 现有的网络资源,也包括 应用程序。另外,我们使用真实的MPI评估映射技术 带时间戳的应用程序跟踪。评价结果表明 新的映射技术的兴起充分利用了可用的网络 带宽,改善负载平衡并提高吞吐量 可以通过网络交付



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