首页> 外文会议>Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1990. AP-S, Merging Technologies for the 90's. >The need of multicast predictive NFS servers for high-speednetworks used as parallel multimedia platforms

The need of multicast predictive NFS servers for high-speednetworks used as parallel multimedia platforms




In this paper we have carried out an experimental study of the I/Olatency of a distributed file system over a parallel multimediaplatform. Our experimental platform uses NFS (Network File System) tosupport an application characterized by its high processing and storagerequirements. We evaluate the overall system by varying several NFSparameters as well as the underlying network topology and data accesspatterns. We have also examined the relevance of two other importantfile management access mechanisms: caching and prefetching. Ourexperimental results have allowed us to identify the major systemparameters affecting the performance of NFS. We then propose the use ofa predictive data access mechanisms. Under this mechanism, the fileserver should detect the similarities among the most recent I/O requestsincoming from a set of cooperating clients. Once having identified theaccess pattern, the file server will be able to multicast the requireddata even before receiving explicit I/O data requests from the clients.Under this predictive mechanism, the system performance should improveas the number of explicit I/O requests directed to the file serverdecreases
机译:在本文中,我们对I / O进行了实验研究 并行多媒体上分布式文件系统的延迟 平台。我们的实验平台使用NFS(网络文件系统)来 支持具有高处理能力和存储能力的应用程序 要求。我们通过改变几个NFS来评估整个系统 参数以及基础网络拓扑和数据访问 模式。我们还研究了另外两个重要问题的相关性 文件管理访问机制:缓存和预取。我们的 实验结果使我们能够确定主要系统 影响NFS性能的参数。然后,我们建议使用 预测性数据访问机制。在这种机制下,文件 服务器应检测到最新I / O请求之间的相似性 来自一组合作客户的信息。一旦确定了 访问模式,文件服务器将能够多播所需的文件 甚至在从客户端接收到明确的I / O数据请求之前就已发送数据。 在这种预测机制下,系统性能应提高 作为定向到文件服务器的显式I / O请求的数量 减少



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