首页> 外文会议>Symposium on engineering geology and geotechnical engineering >Subsurface Mapping and Preliminary Compaction Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Bow Island Formation, North-Central Montana

Subsurface Mapping and Preliminary Compaction Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Bow Island Formation, North-Central Montana




The Bow Island Formation is an Albian age sequence of shales to sandstones deposited insouthern Alberta and north-central Montana during the Early Cretaceous transgressions andregressions of the Western Interior Seaway that flooded the interior of North America. It is ashallow, low pressure gas producer in Montana, produces oil further north around Calgary, and isequivalent with the Muddy Formation in Wyoming and Colorado. Extensive mapping usingboth well logs and dozens of cores has been completed throughout Alberta. Mapping andstratigraphic correlations in Montana are very incomplete, consisting of two published crosssections, very little sedimentology, and no subsurface mapping.This work provides the first publically available detailed mapping of the Bow Islandthroughout north central Montana and preliminary stratigraphic correlations that show thickeningand thinning across the study area. De-compaction analysis was performed along one crosssection to determine if the relative thickening could be attributed to differing rates of compactionas lithologies change across the study area. This study also touches on the major geologicfeatures in the mapping area that are controlling production in the numerous gas fields, andattempts to de-conflict the different formation nomenclature that has been used in studiescompleted in this area in the past 30 years.
机译:弓岛组是阿尔比时代的页岩到砂岩沉积的年龄序列。 在早白垩世海侵期间,艾伯塔省南部和蒙大拿州中北部 西部内部航道的衰退,淹没了北美内部。它是一个 蒙大拿州的浅层低压天然气生产商,在卡尔加里(Calgary)附近向北生产石油,并且 相当于怀俄明州和科罗拉多州的泥泞地层。广泛的映射使用 整个阿尔伯塔省都完成了测井和数十个岩心的勘探工作。映射和 蒙大拿州的地层相关性非常不完整,由两个已发表的交叉 剖面,几乎没有沉积学,也没有地下测绘。 这项工作提供了弓岛的第一个公开可用的详细地图 整个蒙大拿州中北部地区和初步地层相关性均显示出增厚 并在整个研究区域变薄。沿着一个十字进行解压缩分析 确定相对增厚是否可归因于不同的压实率 随着岩性在整个研究领域的变化。该研究还涉及主要地质 制图区域中控制许多气田生产的要素,以及 试图与研究中使用的不同结构命名法冲突 在过去的30年中已在此领域完成。



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