首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology >Detection Of A Target Track Loss Based On The Shiryaev Rule Using Plots Amplitude Information

Detection Of A Target Track Loss Based On The Shiryaev Rule Using Plots Amplitude Information




An important task of the radar data processing is target track loss detection, after which it is reset. It acquires special significance at small signal-to-noise ratio. The presence of plots amplitude information allows to increase the efficiency of target detection and target tracking in the presence of interference. In the work a sequential algorithm for target track loss detection using the plots amplitude information based on the Shiryaev rule is obtained. Moreover, the method of probabilistic data association is used to estimate target's movement parameters at small signal-to-noise ratio. The analysis of the obtained algorithm efficiency is performed on a model example of target tracking due to the survey radar which measures range and range rate using statistical modeling.



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