
Unlinkable and Invisible γ-Sanitizable Signatures




Sanitizable signatures (SaS) allow a (single) sanitizer, chosen by the signer, to modify and re-sign a message in a somewhat controlled way, that is, only editing parts (or blocks) of the message that are admissible for modification. This primitive is an efficient tool, with many formally defined security properties, such as unlinkability, transparency, immutability, invisibility, and unforgeability. An SaS scheme that satisfies these properties can be a great asset to the privacy of any field it will be applied to, e.g., anonymizing medical files. In this work, we look at the notion of γ-sanitizable signatures (γSaS): we take the sanitizable signatures one step further by allowing the signer to not only decide which blocks can be modified, but also how many of them at most can be modified within a single sanitization, setting a limit, denoted with γ. We adapt the security properties listed above to γSaS and propose our own scheme, ULISS (Unlinkable Limited Invisible Sanitizable Signature), then show that it verifies these properties. This extension of SaS can not only improve current use cases, but also introduce new ones, eg., restricting the number of changes in a document within a certain timeframe.
机译:Sanitizable Signatures(SAS)允许由签名者选择的(单个)清理程序,以某种控制的方式修改和重新签名消息,即仅编辑可允许修改的消息的零件(或块)。该原语是一种有效的工具,具有许多正式定义的安全性,例如可用性,透明度,不变性,隐形和不可识别性。满足这些属性的SAS方案可以是任何字段隐私的伟大资产,它将应用于例如匿名医疗文件。在这项工作中,我们看看γ-消毒签名的概念(γSAS):通过允许签名者不仅可以决定可以修改哪些块,而且还可以获得哪个块在单一的消毒过程中修改,设置限制,表示为γ。我们将上面列出的安全性属性调整为γSAS并提出自己的计划,Uliss(可解释的有限的无形隐性签名),然后显示它验证这些属性。这种SAS的扩展不仅可以改善当前用例,还可以引入新的使用情况,例如,例如,限制某个时间范围内文档中的更改次数。



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