首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on the Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design >Developing a Model of Cloud Computing Protection System for the Internet of Things

Developing a Model of Cloud Computing Protection System for the Internet of Things




This article proposes the use of a multi-agent approach when building a model of the cloud computing protection system of the Internet of things based on the reference architecture of cloud computing. It is proposed to build a system for monitoring user behavior in a cloud computing system using an automated model. The selection of a security agent is necessary on the one hand in connection with the increase in the number of commercial enterprises switching to the cloud computing platform, and on the other hand, with the need to protect data and resources on the Internet of things. The article also presents some scenarios for the interaction of actors based on a dedicated security agent. In this case, the security agent performs a controlling and connecting role between all the actors of the model, monitoring and recognizing unauthorized actions both by cloud users of the Internet of things networks and by actors of the cloud computing system of the Internet of things.



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