首页> 外文会议>Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching >Code-Mixed Parse Trees and How to Find Them

Code-Mixed Parse Trees and How to Find Them




In this paper, we explore the methods of obtaining parse trees of code-mixed sentences and analyse the obtained trees. Existing work has shown that linguistic theories can be used to generate code-mixed sentences from a set of parallel sentences. We build upon this work, using one of these theories, the Equivalence-Constraint theory to obtain the parse trees of synthetically generated code-mixed sentences and evaluate them with a neural constituency parser. We highlight the lack of a dataset non-synthetic code-mixed constituency parse trees and how it makes our evaluation difficult. To complete our evaluation, we convert a code-mixed dependency parse tree set into "pseudo constituency trees" and find that a parser trained on synthetically generated trees is able to decently parse these as well.



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