首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advanced Electronic Materials, Computers and Software Engineering >Garbage Recognition and Classification System Based on Convolutional Neural Network VGG16

Garbage Recognition and Classification System Based on Convolutional Neural Network VGG16




To study the application of deep learning in the field of environmental protection, the convolutional neural network VGG16 model is used to solve the problem of identification and classification of domestic garbage. This solution first used the OpenCV computer vision library to locate and select the identified objects and preprocessed the images into 224×224 pixel RGB images accepted by the VGG16 network. Then after data enhancement, a VGG16 convolutional neural network based on the TensorFlow framework is built, by using the RELU activation function and adding BN layer to accelerate the model's convergence speed, while ensuring recognition accuracy. This project finally classifies domestic garbage into recyclable garbage, hazardous garbage, kitchen waste and other garbage. After actual tests, the correct classification rate of the garbage classification system based on VGG16 network proposed in this paper is 81.1%, the result meets the needs of daily use.



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