首页> 外文会议>Society for Biomaterials annual meeting and exposition >Supplementing cell membrane-coated PLGA nanoparticles with exogenous phosphatidylserine reduces inflammatory cytokine production in tnacrophages

Supplementing cell membrane-coated PLGA nanoparticles with exogenous phosphatidylserine reduces inflammatory cytokine production in tnacrophages




Here, we have shown that PS-supplemented, membrane-coated nanoparticles reduce an inflammatory phenotype in macrophages. By exploiting the macrophage response to apoptotic body engulfment, we are able to modulate inflammatory response to an LPS stimulus and reduce the expression of key inflammatory cytokines TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6, among others. Moving forward, we aim to better understand contributions of different parts of the membrane coating through the design of other fully or partially synthetic membrane-coated particles. We are also evaluating the mechanism of action of this particle through analysis of transcription factors and suppressive cytokine production. This unique nanoparticle design can be used to investigate and better understand the relationship between macrophages and apoptotic cells. Further, we aim to use PS-supplemented MNPs to modulate inflammation in situ in an arthritis model, but believe this platform can be adapted to therapeutically address a wide variety of tissue injuries where inflammatory macrophage infiltration is present.



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