首页> 外文会议>Asian conference on remote sensing;ACRS >Integration of Sentinel-2 Spectral Information with High Spatial Resolution Planetscope Imagery for Wildfire Damage Assessment

Integration of Sentinel-2 Spectral Information with High Spatial Resolution Planetscope Imagery for Wildfire Damage Assessment




In the short-term aftermath of a wildfire, quick damage assessment is significant to implement efficient disaster response, but the acquisition of reliable reference data can be difficult. Remote sensing (RS) methods using satellite imagery can provide a rapid means to quantify the distribution (burn area) and level of damage (burn severity) for wildfire damage assessment. However, optical satellite images are limited by their spatial and temporal resolutions. In this study, Planetscope (PS) and Sentinel-2 (S2) images were processed to evaluate the Okgye, Sokho, and Inje wildfires in terms of their burned area using differential images of spectral indices. First, Normalized Bum Ratio (NBR) of S2 images and Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) of PS images were processed. The correlation between S2 dNBR and PS dNDVI was found to be 0.9390, suggesting the similarity between the two spectral index calculations. Second, to fully utilize the superior spatio-temporal resolution of PS and the broader spectral range of S2, dNBR spectral information from S2 (20 m spatial resolution) was transferred to the high spatial resolution PS dNDVI result (3 m spatial resolution) by histogram matching. The results revealed that this integrated approach classified the burned area of the Okgye wildfire more accurately because the histogram-matched image was able to discriminate smaller features more clearly, such as patches of bare soil and narrow roads. However, this method struggled to estimate burned area for the Sokcho and Inje wildfire study areas due to overestimation in mixed land cover areas and underestimation in mountainous topography, respectively. Although the performance of the histogram matching method can be scene-specific, the intervals from the histogram-matched results can be used as potential benchmarking values for future wildfire damage assessment using V1S-NIR imagery.
机译:在野火的短期后果中,快速的损害评估对于实施有效的灾难响应很重要,但是获取可靠的参考数据可能会很困难。使用卫星图像的遥感(RS)方法可提供快速方法来量化野火损害评估的分布(燃烧区域)和破坏程度(燃烧严重性)。但是,光学卫星图像受到其空间和时间分辨率的限制。在这项研究中,使用光谱指数的差分图像,对Planetscope(PS)和Sentinel-2(S2)图像进行了处理,以评估Okgye,Sokho和Inje野火的燃烧面积。首先,处理S2图像的归一化比率(NBR)和PS图像的归一化植被指数(NDVI)。发现S2 dNBR和PS dNDVI之间的相关性为0.9390,表明两个光谱指数计算之间的相似性。其次,为了充分利用PS的出色时空分辨率和S2的较宽光谱范围,通过直方图将来自S2(20 m空间分辨率)的dNBR光谱信息转移到高空间分辨率PS dNDVI结果(3 m空间分辨率)匹配。结果表明,这种集成方法可以更准确地对Okgye野火的燃烧区域进行分类,因为直方图匹配的图像能够更清晰地区分较小的特征,例如裸露的土地和狭窄的道路。但是,由于混合土地覆盖面积的高估和山区地形的低估,该方法难以估算束草和仁济野火研究区的燃烧面积。尽管直方图匹配方法的性能可能是特定于场景的,但直方图匹配结果的间隔可以用作潜在的基准值,用于将来使用V1S-NIR图像进行野火损害评估。



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