首页> 外文会议>IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures >Detecting and Bypassing Trivial Computations in Convolutional Neural Networks

Detecting and Bypassing Trivial Computations in Convolutional Neural Networks




Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) recently are able to exceed human accuracy in various application domains such as image recognition, medical diagnosis, and financial analysis. However, the high computational complexity of CNNs incurs high energy consumption on current hardware implementations. Existing solutions such as pruning and quantization typically require retraining or fine-tuning to regain accuracy, which can be cost-prohibitive and time-consuming. This paper proposes a retraining-free approach to reducing the computation workload of CNNs during inference by detecting and bypassing the trivial computations. We define trivial computations as the computations the results of which can be determined without actual computations. The examples include multiplication with 0, +1/-1 and addition with 0 or addition of opposite numbers. Correspondingly, we develop bypass circuits to detect the trivial computations. Once detected, the circuit delivers the predetermined result without an actual computation. Experimental results on MNIST and EMNIST show that the CNNs with bypass circuits can lead to 30.66-33.52% energy savings without any accuracy loss. This technique can be used together with existing techniques such as pruning and quantization because it is totally complimentary to such techniques.
机译:最近,卷积神经网络(CNN)在各种应用领域(例如图像识别,医学诊断和财务分析)都能够超越人类的准确性。但是,CNN的高计算复杂性在当前的硬件实现方式上会导致高能耗。现有的解决方案(例如修剪和量化)通常需要重新训练或进行微调以重新获得准确性,这可能会导致成本高昂且耗时。本文提出了一种免培训的方法,通过检测和绕过琐碎的计算来减少推理过程中CNN的计算工作量。我们将平凡的计算定义为无需实际计算即可确定其结果的计算。示例包括与0,+ 1 / -1的乘法以及与0的加法或相反数字的加法。相应地,我们开发了旁路电路来检测微不足道的计算。一旦检测到,该电路无需实际计算就可以提供预定结果。在MNIST和EMNIST上的实验结果表明,带有旁路电路的CNN可以节省30.66-33.52%的能量,而不会降低任何精度。该技术可以与现有技术(例如修剪和量化)一起使用,因为它是对此类技术的完全补充。



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