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Analysis of threats and countermeasures in NFV use cases




Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is an emerging technology that yields several benefits to the industry. In NFV, the legacy network infrastructure is transferred into virtualized networks. Instead of using dedicated hardware and network equipment, NFV relies on virtualized components to deliver services to its users. This will allow the enhancement and extension of networks in a quick and low-cost manner. However, the benefits of this practice come at the price of system security, and we need to consider how to enhance this security. To design a secure system, we need to understand the possible threats to the system. Having a good understanding of the NFV processes' life cycle will help us in understanding how attackers may attack the system and hence help us defend against their attacks. In this paper, we systematically analyze some NFV use cases to enumerate their threats and analyze their misuse activities. The result of this analysis will allow us to enhance the security of NFV and suggest some security policies to improve system security. Moreover, based on the analysis we can find misuse patterns which provide possible countermeasures to stop them.
机译:网络功能虚拟化(NFV)是一项新兴技术,可为行业带来诸多好处。在NFV中,旧式网络基础结构已转移到虚拟化网络中。 NFV无需使用专用的硬件和网络设备,而是依靠虚拟化的组件向其用户提供服务。这将允许以快速和低成本的方式来增强和扩展网络。但是,这种做法的好处是以牺牲系统安全性为代价的,我们需要考虑如何增强这种安全性。要设计一个安全的系统,我们需要了解对系统可能造​​成的威胁。充分了解NFV流程的生命周期将有助于我们了解攻击者如何攻击系统,从而帮助我们防御其攻击。在本文中,我们系统地分析了一些NFV用例,以枚举它们的威胁并分析其滥用行为。分析的结果将使我们能够增强NFV的安全性,并提出一些安全策略来提高系统安全性。此外,基于分析,我们可以发现滥用模式,这些模式提供了可能的对策来阻止它们。



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