
A Benchmark Dataset for Learning to Intervene in Online Hate Speech




Countering online hate speech is a critical yet challenging task, but one which can be aided by the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Previous research has primarily focused on the development of NLP methods to automatically and effectively detect online hate speech while disregarding further action needed to calm and discourage individuals from using hate speech in the future. In addition, most existing hate speech datasets treat each post as an isolated instance, ignoring the conversational context. In this paper, we propose a novel task of generative hate speech intervention, where the goal is to automatically generate responses to intervene during online conversations that contain hate speech. As a part of this work, we introduce two fully-labeled large-scale hate speech intervention datasets~1 collected from Gab~2 and Reddit~3. These datasets provide conversation segments, hate speech labels, as well as intervention responses written by Mechanical Turk~4 Workers. In this paper, we also analyze the datasets to understand the common intervention strategies and explore the performance of common automatic response generation methods on these new datasets to provide a benchmark for future research.
机译:对抗在线仇恨言论是一项关键但具有挑战性的任务,但是可以通过使用自然语言处理(NLP)技术来帮助完成这一任务。先前的研究主要集中在NLP方法的开发上,该方法可以自动有效地检测在线仇恨语音,而忽略了进一步采取措施来平息和阻止个人将来使用仇恨语音。此外,大多数现有的仇恨言论数据集将每个帖子视为孤立的实例,而忽略了对话上下文。在本文中,我们提出了一项产生性仇恨言论干预的新任务,其目标是在包含仇恨言论的在线对话期间自动生成干预干预的响应。作为这项工作的一部分,我们介绍了两个从Gab〜2和Reddit〜3收集的完全标记的大规模仇恨语音干预数据集〜1。这些数据集提供对话段,讨厌的语音标签以及Mechanical Turk〜4 Workers编写的干预响应。在本文中,我们还分析了数据集以了解常见的干预策略,并探索了在这些新数据集上常见的自动响应生成方法的性能,从而为将来的研究提供了基准。



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