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Taking Ammonia-Based Aeration Control to the Next Level - Real World Experience and Lessons Learned




The feedback controller appears a better application in small wastewater systems where the transport lag is smaller, less of a concern to operators or where it is less impactful on effluent quality. The transport lag of > 3 hours is large and undesirable to operators, who observe quickly increasing loads, but an unresponsive aeration controller. Measures can be taken to preemptively and automatically begin aeration, but these modifications add layers of complexity to a control method whose stated advantage is being less complex than the model-based feedforward controller system.
机译:反馈控制器在运输滞后较小,对运营商的关注较少或对废水质量影响较小的小型废水系统中似乎是更好的应用。 > 3小时的运输滞后时间长,对于操作员来说是不希望的,他们观察到负载迅速增加,但是充气控制器却没有响应。可以采取措施先发制人地自动开始充气,但是这些修改增加了控制方法的复杂性,该控制方法的优势不如基于模型的前馈控制器系统复杂。



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