首页> 外文会议>North American Thermal Analysis Society conference >Polymers with extraordinarily broad glass transition regions and utility as broad-T-range damping materials: Designing nanophase separation with broad interphases in gradient copolymers and segmented polyhydroxyurethanes and thiol-norbornene polymers

Polymers with extraordinarily broad glass transition regions and utility as broad-T-range damping materials: Designing nanophase separation with broad interphases in gradient copolymers and segmented polyhydroxyurethanes and thiol-norbornene polymers




Polymers that exhibit nanophase separation with very broad interphases can exhibit extraordinarly broad glass transtition regions, even exceeding 100 K in breadth. In turn, such materials can also exhibit very broad-temperature-ranging acoustic and vibration damping properties, because good damping characteristics, associated with tan delta > 0.30, often result near the glass transition. Three example systems will be described with can lead to such extraordinary damping characteristics: (1) gradient copolymers which undergo nanophase separation but with a sinusoidal composition profile, (2) segmented polyhydroxyurethanes that undergo nanophase separation but with intermixing because of hydrogen bond formation between hydroxyl groups on the hard segment and ether oxygens present in the soft segment, and (3) segmented thermoplastic synthesized by thiol-ene click chemistry but containing urethane-based norbornene hard segments.
机译:表现出具有非常宽的相间分离的纳米相的聚合物可以表现出非常宽的玻璃化转变区域,甚至在宽度上超过100K。继而,这种材料也可以表现出非常宽的温度范围内的声学和振动阻尼特性,因为与损耗角正切> 0.30关联的良好的阻尼特性通常在玻璃化转变附近产生。将描述三个示例系统,这些系统可能会导致这种非凡的阻尼特性:(1)经历纳米相分离但具有正弦曲线组成分布的梯度共聚物,(2)经历纳米相分离但由于羟基之间形成氢键而相互混合的分段聚羟基聚氨酯硬链段上的基团和软链段中存在的醚氧,以及(3)通过硫醇-烯点击化学合成但含有氨基甲酸酯基降冰片烯硬链段的热塑性嵌段共聚物。



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