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Who draw this? Caricaturist recognition using convolutional neural networks




Caricature is the art of expressing an event that will be described in many pages in writing, visually with a small drawing. The details of the drawing, the style, and the objects used in the drawing, which make up the visual structure, are very important in conveying the event or thought. Therefore, different caricaturists express similar events (eg. social or political messages) using different details and objects according to their own style and imagination worlds. Determining which caricature belongs to which caricaturist will help us to organize large collections, determine originality, and make caricature suggestions based on subject/style. In this study, a total of 4212 caricature from 10 different Turkish caricaturists were collected from the Internet and a new caricature data set was created. Using this dataset, both the existing Convolutional Neural Network models and the proposed new network, ComicNet, are trained and their performances are compared. Experiments show that ComicNet is the most successful model with an accuracy of 94.68%.
机译:讽刺漫画是一种表达事件的艺术,该事件将在许多页面上以书面形式在视觉上用一幅小图来描述。构成视觉结构的图形细节,样式和图形中使用的对象对于传达事件或思想非常重要。因此,不同的漫画家根据他们自己的风格和想象世界,使用不同的细节和对象来表达相似的事件(例如,社会或政治信息)。确定哪个漫画属于哪个漫画家将帮助我们根据主题/样式来组织大量的收藏,确定创意并提出漫画建议。在这项研究中,从Internet上收集了来自10个不同的土耳其漫画家的4212幅漫画,并创建了一个新的漫画数据集。使用该数据集,既可以训练现有的卷积神经网络模型,也可以训练拟议的新网络ComicNet,并对其性能进行比较。实验表明,ComicNet是最成功的模型,准确性为94.68 \%。



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