
Semi-Solid Casting of Pure Magnesium




Semi-solid processing works on the principal of a solidification temperature interval of a substance. The substance is heated to a temperature within this interval so that there exists a related solid-liquid fraction ratio. The substance with this phase structure is then shaped by a forging or casting process. It has been stated before that it is impossible to semi-solid process and cast pure metals or eutectic alloys due to their thermodynamic temperature invariance, meaning that there is no temperature interval. It was demonstrated recently that it is possible to semi-solid casting high purity aluminium (Curie UA, Moeller H, Wilkins JD. Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 479-482) and the Al-Si binary eutectic (Curie UA, Moeller H, Wilkins JD. Materials Letters 65 (2011) 1469-1472). The working principal is that there exists a time interval during thermal arrest during which solidification takes place with a solid-liquid fraction ratio until all the liquid is consumed upon cooling. The aim with this work is to demonstrate that pure magnesium can also be rheo-high pressure die cast (R-HPDC) with the system developed at the CSIR in South Africa. Magnesium is notoriously difficult to cast due to the thermal properties of magnesium. The metal was poured into a cup, processed for about 6 seconds after which it was HPDC into a plate. The microstructure of the casting consists of a structure that was solid and a structure that was liquid during thermal arrest at the time of casting.
机译:半固体加工基于物质的凝固温度间隔的原理进行。将该物质加热到该间隔内的温度,以便存在相关的固液分率。然后通过锻造或铸造工艺使具有这种相结构的物质成形。前面已经说过,由于它们的热力学温度不变性,不可能对纯金属或低共熔合金进行半固态加工和铸造,这意味着没有温度间隔。最近证明,可以半固态铸造高纯度铝(Curie UA,Moeller H,Wilkins JD。Scripta Materialia 64(2011)479-482)和Al-Si二元共晶(Curie UA,Moeller H, Wilkins JD.Material Letters 65(2011)1469-1472)。工作原理是在热停止期间存在一个时间间隔,在该时间间隔内以固液分比进行固化,直到冷却后所有液体消耗完为止。这项工作的目的是证明纯镁也可以通过南非CSIR开发的系统进行流变高压压铸(R-HPDC)。众所周知,镁由于镁的热特性而难以铸造。将该金属倒入杯中,处理约6秒,然后将其HPDC放入板中。铸件的微观结构由在铸造时的热停止期间为固体的结构和为液体的结构组成。



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