
F-35 Aerodynamic Performance Verification




The combined efforts of the airframe contractor, propulsion contractor, and government program office culminated in verifying the primary conventional performance requirements of the F-35 aircraft. The joint group collaborated to develop a cost-effective and credible modeling and simulation-based approach to validate the engineering databases used to calculate aircraft performance. Instrumental to the group's success was a rigorous weight management process, supported by an incremental burndown of conservative factors applied to preflight test performance predictions. These approaches ensured that the F-35 met the key contractual performance requirements. Throughout our efforts, we maintained attention to detail when performing focused analyses of test data, from individual sensor measurements to calculated performance parameters. These efforts allowed a minimal flight test matrix to be sufficient in resolving even minor adjustments to preflight test aerodynamics. Ultimately, the flight test results proved that the design of the F-35 aircraft exceeded requirements. Further, the results formed the basis of the operational performance capability provided to the operator throughout the flight envelope.



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