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Double Photoionization of Simple Molecules of Astrochemical Interest




An experimental and computational investigation characterizing the processes following the double photoionization of the methyloxirane and N-methylformamide molecules has been reported. The double photoionization experiments have been performed at the Elettra Synchrotron Facility of Trieste (Italy). Preliminary data show: (i) in the case of methyloxirane, six different two-body fragmentation processes leading to CH_2~+/C_2H_4O~+ ,CH_3~+/C_2H_3O~+, O~+/C_3H_6~+, OH~+/C_3H_5~+,C_2H_3~+/CH_3O~+,C_2H_4~+/CH_2O~+ pairs of final ions; (ⅱ) in the case of N-methylformamide, two main two-body fragmentation processes, leading to CH_3~+ +CH_2NO~+ and H~+ +C_2H_4NO~+. The threshold's energy for each dissociation channel is determined with the relative cross sections as a function of the investigated photon energy range. A careful analysis of recorded electron-ion-ion coincidence spectra mainly based on a Monte Carlo trajectory simulation is able to provide also the kinetic energy released (KER) distribution for the final ions of the investigated fragmentation reactions. These important experimental data are mandatory information to unravel the physical chemistry of the elementary processes induced by the interaction of photons, with simple relevant organic molecules: (ⅰ) the methyloxirane of astro-chemical interest, being the first chiral molecule recently discovered in interstellar cloud Sagittarius B2; (ⅱ) the N-methylformamide, being an important simple molecule containing the peptide bond, recently detected in the interstellar medium, in order to investigate its selective cleavage induced by UV photons. In the latter case, this can improve a deeper definition of formation/destruction routes in astrochemical environments of the more abundant formamide molecule.
机译:已经报道了表征在甲基环氧乙烷和N-甲基甲酰胺分子两次光电离之后的过程的实验和计算研究。双重光电离实验已在的里雅斯特(意大利)的Elettra同步加速器工厂进行。初步数据表明:(i)在甲基环氧乙烷的情况下,六个不同的两体裂解过程导致CH_2〜+ / C_2H_4O〜+,CH_3〜+ / C_2H_3O〜+,O〜+ / C_3H_6〜+,OH〜+ / C_3H_5〜+,C_2H_3〜+ / CH_3O〜+,C_2H_4〜+ / CH_2O〜+最终离子对; (ⅱ)对于N-甲基甲酰胺,有两个主要的两体断裂过程,导致CH_3〜+ + CH_2NO〜+和H〜+ + C_2H_4NO〜+。每个解离通道的阈值能量是根据所研究的光子能量范围的相对横截面确定的。主要基于蒙特卡洛轨迹模拟对记录的电子-离子-离子符合光谱进行仔细的分析,还可以为所研究的裂解反应的最终离子提供动能释放(KER)分布。这些重要的实验数据是揭示由光子与简单的相关有机分子相互作用而诱导的基本过程的物理化学的强制性信息:(ⅰ)具有星空化学意义的甲基环氧乙烷,是最近在星际云中发现的第一个手性分子射手座B2; (ⅱ)N-甲基甲酰胺,是一种重要的含有肽键的简单分子,最近在星际介质中被发现,以研究其被紫外线光子诱导的选择性裂解。在后一种情况下,这可以改善更丰富的甲酰胺分子在天化学环境中形成/破坏途径的更深层次的定义。



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