首页> 外文会议>International FLINS conference >Fuzzy framework for activity recognition in a multi-occupant smart environment based on wearable devices and proximity beacons

Fuzzy framework for activity recognition in a multi-occupant smart environment based on wearable devices and proximity beacons




A fuzzy framework is proposed for activity recognition in a multi occupancy smart environment based on wearable devices and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons. In this context, there is a set of Received Signal Strength Indicators (RSSIs), which is received by wearable devices worn by the inhabitants, from a set of BLE beacons deployed in objects within a smart environment. The RSSIs generated by the BLE beacons are influenced by external factors in radio waves, which are presented in the RSSI as important fluctuations. The main contribution in this work has been to propose the use of fuzzy logic and the fuzzy linguistic approach to model indicators of fluctuation. A new framework is introduced that includes a Mamdani fuzzy inference system to recognize the activity that is being carried out in real time for each inhabitant based on data gleaned from their wearable device. The fuzzy rules in addition to the fuzzy linguistic terms used to model the RSSIs can be customized for each inhabitant according to their habits, customs or routines. A case study of the proposed fuzzy framework in the smart lab of the University of Jaen is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.
机译:提出了一种基于可穿戴设备和蓝牙低功耗信标的模糊框架,用于多人智能环境中的活动识别。在这种情况下,存在一组接收信号强度指示器(RSSI),由居民佩戴的可穿戴设备从部署在智能环境中的对象中的一组BLE信标中接收。 BLE信标生成的RSSI受无线电波中外部因素的影响,这些因素在RSSI中表示为重要的波动。这项工作的主要贡献是提出使用模糊逻辑和模糊语言方法对波动指标进行建模。引入了一个新框架,其中包括一个Mamdani模糊推理系统,用于基于从其可穿戴设备收集的数据来实时识别每个居民的活动。除了用于建模RSSI的模糊语言术语外,还可以根据每个居民的习惯,习惯或惯例为他们定制模糊规则。本文以哈恩大学智能实验室中的拟议模糊框架为例,以证明该方法的有效性。



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