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Property Testing for Point Sets on the Plane




A configuration is a point set on the plane, with no three points collinear. Given three non-collinear points p, q and r £ R2, let x(p,q,r) ∈ {-1,1}, with x(p,q,r) = 1 if and only if, when we traverse the circle defined by those points in the counterclockwise direction, we encounter the points in the cyclic order p, q, r,p,q,r,.... For simplicity, extend x by setting x(p,q,r) = 0 if p, q and r are not pairwise distinct. Two configurations A and B⊂R~2 are said to have the same order type if there is a bijection l : A → B such that x(o,q,)r) = x(l(p), l(q), l(r)) for all (p, q, r)∈ A~3. We say that a configuration C contains a copy of a configuration A if there is B c C with A and B of the same order type. Given a configuration F, let Forb(F) be the set of configurations that do not contain a copy of F. The distance between two configurations A and B with A = B = n is given by dist(A, B) = min1/2n~3Σ(p,q,r)∈A~3|x(p,q,r) - x(l(p),l(q),l(r))| where the minimum is taken over all bisections l : A → B. Roughly speaking, we prove the following property testing result: being free of a given configuration is efficiently testable. Our result also holds in the general case of hereditary properties P = Forb(F), defined by possibly infinite families T of forbidden configurations. Our results complement previous results by Czumaj, Sohler and Ziegler and others, in that we use a different notion of distance between configurations. Our proofs are heavily inspired on recent work of Fox and Wei on testing permutations and also make use of the regularity lemma for semi-algebraic hypergraphs of Fox, Pach and Suk. An extremal function involving order types, which may be of independent interest, plays an important role in our arguments.
机译:配置是在平面上设置的一个点,没有三个点是共线的。给定三个非共线点p,q和r£R2,令x(p,q,r)∈{-1,1},当且仅当我们遍历时,x(p,q,r)= 1由这些点沿逆时针方向定义的圆,我们遇到循环顺序为p,q,r,p,q,r,...的点。为简单起见,通过设置x(p,q,r)来扩展x如果p,q和r不是成对区分的,则= 0。如果存在双射l:A→B使得x(o,q,)r)= x(l(p),l(q),则两个构型A和B⊂R〜2被称为具有相同的阶次类型。 ,l(r))对于所有(p,q,r)∈A〜3。我们说如果存在B c C且A和B的订单类型相同,则配置C包含配置A的副本。给定配置F,令Forb(F)为不包含F副本的配置集。\ A \ = \ B \ = n的两个配置A和B之间的距离由dist(A,B )= min1 / 2n〜3Σ(p,q,r)∈A〜3 | x(p,q,r)-x(l(p),l(q),l(r))|其中最小值为粗略地说,我们证明了以下特性测试结果:不受给定配置的影响是可以有效测试的。在遗传属性P = Forb(F)的一般情况下,我们的结果也成立,该属性由可能为无穷构型的无限家族T定义。我们的结果补充了Czumaj,Sohler和Ziegler等人的先前结果,因为我们使用了构型之间距离的不同概念。我们的证明极大地启发了Fox和Wei在测试置换方面的最新工作,并且还为Fox,Pach和Suk的半代数超图使用了正则引理。涉及订单类型的极值函数(可能具有独立的意义)在我们的论证中起着重要作用。



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