首页> 外文会议>International conference on ground control in mining >Basic Procedures for Monitoring and Modeling Abandoned Underground Coal Mines for Safety Due to Uncontrolled Closures: Case Study of Verdinho Mine, Santa Catarina State, Brazil

Basic Procedures for Monitoring and Modeling Abandoned Underground Coal Mines for Safety Due to Uncontrolled Closures: Case Study of Verdinho Mine, Santa Catarina State, Brazil




Safe mine closure is an important step in the mining lifecycle. Plans for safe and efficient closure should begin at the inception of mining. Ideally, closure occurs when the reserve has been depleted. However, when the abandonment of a mine occurs prior to the depletion of the reserve, several problems arise which need to be treated. This situation occurred at Verdinho Mine, located in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Verdinho Mine is a coal mine that operated for more than 40 years without had backfill technologies applied. Soon before the exhaustion of the reserves, it was abandoned by the owners without proper closure. As a result, the Federal Public Ministry filed a public civil action to promote proper closure. Several parties are currently involved, including the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM), the mining regulator of the Brazilian Government. To meet the judicial determination, a cooperation agreement was initiated between DNPM and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) to identify and to monitor parameters which could result hazard due flooding mine, to model the various conditions to minimize the impact of flooding caused by total abandonment. Many processes must be planned and planned early in mining operations, and these processes must be performed over the life of the mine. Financial resources must be guaranteed by a specific fund fueled by operating revenues. When these resources are not properly employed, costs and technical difficulties prevent proper closure progress. If the removal of subsoil equipment, treatment and control of groundwater, regeneration of the surface, and closure of openings are not done correctly, there can be environmental, social, and stability impacts over time. To avoid this in the future, a detailed study is being performed at the Verdinho Underground Coal Mine on how to appropriately implement mine closure and monitoring procedures. This study is being conducted in response to a lawsuit filed by the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office.
机译:安全关闭矿井是采矿生命周期中的重要一步。安全有效封闭的计划应从采矿开始就开始。理想情况下,储备金耗尽时会发生关闭。但是,如果在储备金枯竭之前就放弃了地雷,就会出现一些需要解决的问题。这种情况发生在巴西南部圣卡塔琳娜州的Verdinho矿。 Verdinho煤矿是一家运营40多年的煤矿,未应用回填技术。在储备金用尽之前不久,所有者就将其放弃而​​没有适当关闭。结果,联邦公共部提起了公共民事诉讼,以促​​进适当的关闭。目前有几个方面参与其中,包括巴西政府的采矿监管机构国家矿产生产部(DNPM)。为了满足司法裁定,DNPM与南里奥格兰德州联邦大学(UFRGS)发起了一项合作协议,以识别和监控可能导致水雷灾害的参数,对各种条件进行建模以最大程度地减少水灾的影响完全被遗弃造成的。许多过程必须在采矿作业的早期进行规划和计划,并且这些过程必须在矿山的整个生命周期内执行。财务资源必须由运营收入推动的特定资金来保证。如果这些资源使用不当,成本和技术难题将阻止适当的关闭进度。如果拆除地下设备,对地下水的处理和控制,地表的再生以及开口的关闭未正确完成,则随着时间的流逝,可能会对环境,社会和稳定性造成影响。为避免将来发生这种情况,Verdinho地下煤矿正在进行详细研究,以研究如何适当实施矿山关闭和监控程序。这项研究是针对联邦检察官办公室提起的诉讼而进行的。



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