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Compressive spectrum estimation using quantized measurements




In this paper, we aim to recover a spectrally-sparse signal from the quadrants of complex random linear measurements. We first characterize the Cramer-Rao bound under Gaussian noise, which highlights the trade-off between sample complexity and bit depth under different signal-to-noise ratios for a fixed budget of bits. Next, we propose a new algorithm based on atomic norm regularization, which is equivalent to proximal mapping of a properly designed surrogate signal with respect to the atomic norm that promotes the spectral sparsity. Moreover, the frequencies can be localized without knowing the model order a priori via a dual polynomial approach. It is shown that under the Gaussian measurement model, the signal can be reconstructed accurately with high probability, as soon as the number of quantized measurements exceeds the order of K log n, where K is the number of frequencies and n is the signal dimension. Our results can be extended to more general nonlinear measurements using generalized linear models.
机译:在本文中,我们旨在从复杂随机线性测量的象限中恢复频谱稀疏的信号。我们首先表征高斯噪声下的Cramer-Rao界,这强调了在固定比特预算下,在不同信噪比下,样本复杂度和比特深度之间的权衡。接下来,我们提出一种基于原子范数正则化的新算法,该算法等效于适当设计的替代信号相对于原子范数的近端映射,从而促进了光谱稀疏性。此外,可以通过对偶多项式方法来定位频率,而无需先验地知道模型阶数。结果表明,在高斯测量模型下,一旦量化测量的数量超过K log n的数量级(其中K是频率数量,n是信号维数),就可以以高概率准确地重建信号。我们的结果可以扩展到使用广义线性模型进行的更一般的非线性测量。



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