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Optimizing integration of the new RES generation and electrical energy storage in a power system: Case study of Croatia




In the context of sustainable development and aspirations for the low carbon future, renewable energy sources are imposed as the foundation of the power systems of the future. Due to the unpredictable nature of these sources the adaptation of traditional power system to new conditions is necessary. This change is particularly needed in the form of generation which is able to balance supply and demand in realtime due to renewable energy sources intrinsic variability and in the form of a new systems for energy storage. This paper, through scenario analysis and optimization, considers future prospects of a new renewable energy sourced generation in the Croatian power system. It analyses the significance of the energy storage systems and the flexible power plants. Paper has analysed several scenarios of high level RES penetration into the Croatian power system. Analysis was performed in conservative manner, assuming there is no external market available. It has been shown that the capabilities of the current state power system are such that it is able to sustain RES penetration levels from 2000 MW to 3000 MW without large curtailment (less than 5%) of available RES energy, depending on the structure and mix of RES, primarily wind and PV energy. The result of the research is: the analysis on the maximum amount of renewable energy that can be integrated in the Croatian power system while accounting for different availability of imports of electricity from EU electricity markets; the analysis on the necessary conditions for significant penetration of renewable energy sources in the Croatian power system and limiting factors that affect this. Analysis shows importance of heat storage systems with electrical heaters which can significantly contribute to decrease of curtailed RES energy, since they are capable to directly transfer excess electricity to district heating systems. It is therefore important to direct future researches into coupled modelling of power and heat systems in order to better comprehend benefits of such simultaneous optimizations regarding future RES integration.
机译:在可持续发展和对低碳未来的渴望的背景下,可再生能源被强加为未来电力系统的基础。由于这些电源的不可预测的性质,必须使传统的电力系统适应新的条件。这种变化特别需要发电形式,由于可再生能源固有的可变性,它可以实时平衡供求关系,并且需要新的储能系统。本文通过方案分析和优化,考虑了克罗地亚电力系统中新一代可再生能源发电的未来前景。它分析了储能系统和柔性发电厂的重要性。论文分析了高水平RES渗透到克罗地亚电力系统中的几种情况。假设没有可用的外部市场,以保守的方式进行分析。已经证明,当前状态电力系统的功能使得它能够将RES渗透水平维持在2000 MW至3000 MW范围内,而不会大量减少可用RES能量(少于5%),具体取决于结构和结构。可再生能源的混合,主要是风能和光伏能源。研究的结果是:分析可整合到克罗地亚电力系统中的可再生能源的最大数量,同时考虑从欧盟电力市场进口的电力的不同可用性;对可再生能源在克罗地亚电力系统中大量渗透的必要条件进行分析,并分析影响这一因素的限制因素。分析表明带电加热器的储热系统的重要性,因为它们能够将多余的电能直接传输到区域供热系统,因此可以显着减少减少的RES能量。因此,重要的是将未来的研究引导到电力和热力系统的耦合模型中,以便更好地理解有关未来RES集成的此类同时优化的好处。



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