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Using Intrinsic Performance Counters to Assess Efficiency in Task-based Parallel Applications




The ability to measure performance characteristics of an application at runtime is essential for monitoring the behavior of the application and the runtime system on the underlying architecture. Traditional performance measurement tools do not adequately provide measurements of asynchronous task-based parallel applications, either in real-time or for postmortem analysis. We propose that this capability is best performed directly by the runtime system for ease in use and to minimize conflicts and overheads potentially caused by traditional measurement tools. In this paper, we describe and illustrate the use of the performance monitoring capabilities in the HPX [13] runtime system. We describe and detail existing performance counters made available through HPX's performance counter framework and demonstrate how they are useful to understanding application efficiency and resource usage at runtime. This extensive framework provides the ability to asynchronously query software and hardware counters and could potentially be used as the basis for runtime adaptive resource decisions. We demonstrate the ease of porting the Inncabs benchmark suite to the HPX runtime system, the improved performance of benchmarks that employ fine-grained task parallelism when ported to HPX, and the capabilities and advantages of using the in-situ performance monitoring system in HPX to give detailed insight to the performance and behavior of the benchmarks and the runtime system.
机译:在运行时测量应用程序性能特征的能力对于监视底层体系结构上的应用程序和运行时系统的行为至关重要。传统的性能测量工具没有充分提供异步的基于任务的并行应用程序的测量,无论是在实时或事后分析。我们建议最好地通过运行时系统直接执行,以便于使用,并最大限度地减少由传统测量工具可能引起的冲突和开销。在本文中,我们描述和说明的HPX [13]运行系统中使用的性能监控功能。我们描述并详细介绍了通过HPX的性能计数器框架提供的现有性能计数器,并演示它们如何在运行时理解应用程序效率和资源使用。这种广泛的框架提供了异步查询软件和硬件计数器的能力,并且可能被用作运行时自适应资源决策的基础。我们展示了轻松的Inncabs基准套件移植到HPX运行系统中,基准,当移植到HPX聘请细粒度任务并行和功能,并使用原位性能监测系统HPX到的优势性能的改进给予详细的洞察力,以性能和基准测试的行为和运行系统。



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