首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions >Applying intelligent speed adaptation to a road safety mobile application — DriverSafeMode

Applying intelligent speed adaptation to a road safety mobile application — DriverSafeMode

机译:将智能速度自适应应用于道路安全移动应用程序— DriverSafeMode



Road safety is an utmost important concern regarding motorized transportation. The increasing motorized transportation has placed a significant burden on people's health in the form of uncontrollable growth rate of road traffic accidents and fatalities which has caused detrimental social and economic consequences in Sri Lanka. Despite number of interventions and action plans the government of Sri Lanka has enforced in order to ensure road safety, the statistics under road safety remain dangerously negative. In this paper, we present an intelligent mobile application solution “DriverSafeMode”, which applies Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) to aid drivers to avoid excessive speed, which is the most common and dangerous road and traffic offence committed by the drivers in Sri Lanka. In addition, the proposed system provides an effective aid to avoid mobile phone distraction while driving. The test results and user evaluation has proved that the proposed solution provide a reachable and a contrasting approach, compared to the existing road safety systems.
机译:道路安全是机动运输中最重要的问题。日益增长的机动交通以无法控制的道路交通事故和死亡人数的增长速度,给人们的健康带来了沉重负担,这在斯里兰卡造成了不利的社会和经济后果。尽管斯里兰卡政府为确保道路安全已采取了许多干预措施和行动计划,但道路安全下的统计数据仍然非常危险。在本文中,我们提出了一种智能移动应用程序解决方案“ DriverSafeMode”,该解决方案应用了智能速度调整(ISA)来帮助驾驶员避免超速行驶,这是斯里兰卡驾驶员犯下的最常见,最危险的道路和交通违法行为。另外,所提出的系统提供了有效的帮助,以避免驾驶时移动电话分散注意力。测试结果和用户评估证明,与现有的道路安全系统相比,所提出的解决方案提供了一种可及的对比方法。



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