首页> 外文会议>IEEE Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference >Managing Mobile Relays for Secure E2E Connectivity of Low-Power IoT Devices

Managing Mobile Relays for Secure E2E Connectivity of Low-Power IoT Devices




The widespread Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems empower the deployment of various Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensor nodes in many ambient assisted living (AAL) type applications. Regardless of their limitations, these low-power IoT sensor nodes need pervasive and secure connections to transfer the aggregated data to the central servers located in remote clouds which will perform further processing and storing functions. The common practice is to use one or multiple dedicated gateways to assist the communication between the sensor and the cloud. This paper presents a mobile-based relay assistance solution for establishing secure end-to-end (E2E) connectivity between low-power IoT sensors and cloud servers without using a dedicated gateway. za The prototype implementation and the described security features verify the technical readiness of the proposed solution.
机译:广泛的物联网(物联网)生态系统授权在许多环境辅助生活(AAL)类型应用中的各种蓝牙低能量(BLE)传感器节点的部署。无论其局限性如何,这些低功耗IOT传感器节点需要普遍性的和安全连接,以将聚合数据传送到位于远程云中的中央服务器,该远程云将执行进一步处理和存储功能。常见做法是使用一个或多个专用网关来帮助传感器和云之间的通信。本文介绍了一种基于移动的继电器辅助解决方案,用于在低功耗IOT传感器和云服务器之间建立安全端到端(E2E)连接而不使用专用网关。 ZA原型实现和所描述的安全功能验证了所提出的解决方案的技术准备。



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