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Design and implementation of an interoperable messaging system for IoT healthcare services




The spry maturation of Internet of Things (IoT) has paved way to the rapid development of numerous sectors and these have been envisioned in; connected transport, smart cities, connected homes, connected healthcare, etc. IoT is a technology that connects "things" that are embedded with sensors, actuators and network connectivity to collect and exchange the data to the internet. The ability of IoT that offers distinct technologies for a small constrained device to collect and deliver messages across sophisticated networks leaves room for more exploration. Zeroing down to the healthcare sector, a couple of Personal Health Devices (PHDs) have been developed to collect and share information across the internet. One Machine to Machine (oneM2M), ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD are some of the healthcare standards that have been developed have been developed to deal with the issue of interoperability in the IoT. In this paper we design and implement an interoperable messaging system that is based on international standards for IoT healthcare services. Standard IoT protocols; Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) are some of the protocols that were designed to be used in an IoT environment. We designed and implemented a message system using CoAP following international standards for IoT healthcare services. This is due to better performance that CoAP offers in a constrained environment over other protocols. The paper further analyses and evaluates a comparative performance of number of packets transmitted in a transaction and packet loss rate number during transmission between the designed system and existing messaging system that uses MQTT.
机译:物联网(IoT)的成熟发展为众多领域的快速发展铺平了道路,并且已经设想到了这些。物联网是一种技术,可以将嵌入传感器,执行器和网络连接的“事物”连接起来,以收集和交换数据到互联网。物联网为小型受限设备提供独特技术以跨复杂网络收集和传递消息的能力为进一步探索留下了空间。专注于医疗保健领域,已经开发了一些个人保健设备(PHD)来收集和共享Internet上的信息。一种机器对机器(oneM2M),ISO / IEEE 11073 PHD是已开发的一些医疗保健标准,旨在解决物联网中的互操作性问题。在本文中,我们设计和实现了一个可互操作的消息传递系统,该系统基于IoT医疗保健服务的国际标准。标准物联网协议;消息队列遥测传输(MQTT)和约束应用协议(CoAP)是设计用于IoT环境的一些协议。我们遵循IoT医疗保健服务的国际标准,使用CoAP设计和实施了一个消息系统。这是由于CoAP在受限环境中提供的性能优于其他协议。本文进一步分析和评估在设计系统和使用MQTT的现有消息传递系统之间传输期间,事务中传输的数据包数量和丢包率数量的比较性能。



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