首页> 外文会议>Iberian conference on pattern recognition and image analysis >Log-Linear Weight Optimization Using Discriminative Ridge Regression Method in Statistical Machine Translation

Log-Linear Weight Optimization Using Discriminative Ridge Regression Method in Statistical Machine Translation




We present a simple and reliable method for estimating the log-linear weights of a state-of-the-art machine translation system, which takes advantage of the method known as discriminative ridge regression (DRR). Since inappropriate weight estimations lead to a wide variability of translation quality results, reaching a reliable estimate for such weights is critical for machine translation research. For this reason, a variety of methods have been proposed to reach reasonable estimates. In this paper, we present an algorithmic description and empirical results proving that DRR, as applied in a pseudo-batch scenario, is able to provide comparable translation quality when compared to state-of-the-art estimation methods (i.e., MERT [1] and MIRA [2]). Moreover, the empirical results reported are coherent across different corpora and language pairs.
机译:我们提出了一种简单而可靠的方法,用于估算最先进的机器翻译系统的对数线性权重,该方法利用了称为判别岭回归(DRR)的方法。由于不正确的权重估计会导致翻译质量结果变化很大,因此,对于此类权重得出可靠的估计对于机器翻译研究至关重要。由于这个原因,已经提出了多种方法来达到合理的估计。在本文中,我们提供了一种算法描述和经验结果,证明与一种最新的估算方法(即MERT [1]相比,在伪分批方案中应用的DRR能够提供可比的翻译质量。 ]和MIRA [2])。此外,报告的实证结果在不同的语料库和语言对之间是连贯的。



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