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The American Legion Airplane: Those Willing to Dare




This paper is the third in a series, which examine the historical aspects of the attempt to win the Orteig prize, in thecompetition against Lindbergh, by two naval pilots, LCDR Noel Davis and LT Stanton Wooster, in a Keystone biplane named the "American Legion." This third paper tells of the aftermath from the crash. It can be said that this story started with the birth of Noel Davis on Christmas Day in 1891 and continues to this day with the award each year of the Noel Davis trophy to the most outstanding Naval Reserve Aviation unit. However, this paper will start with the day before the crash, 25 April 1927 and will end just days later in the marshes of Back Landing Harobr, Messick, Virginia (present day Poquoson, Virginia).
机译:本文是该系列文章中的第三篇,探讨了两名海军飞行员LCDR Noel Davis和LT Stanton Wooster在名为“美国军团”的Keystone双翼飞机与Lindbergh的竞争中试图赢得Orteig奖的历史方面。 。”第三篇文章讲述了坠机事故的后果。可以说,这个故事始于1891年圣诞节那天诺埃尔·戴维斯(Noel Davis)的诞辰,一直延续到今天,每年都将诺埃尔·戴维斯(Noel Davis)奖杯授予最杰出的海军预备役航空部队。但是,本文将在1927年4月25日坠机事故发生的前一天开始,并将在几天后在弗吉尼亚州梅西克(现为弗吉尼亚州Poquoson)的Back Landing Harobr沼泽地结束。



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