首页> 外文会议>International conference on ground control in mining >Structural Geological and Stress Controls on Natural Gas Inrushes in Southern West Virginia Longwall Coal Mines

Structural Geological and Stress Controls on Natural Gas Inrushes in Southern West Virginia Longwall Coal Mines




On April 5, 2010 a massive dust-fueled explosion at a longwall mine in southern West Virginia claimed the lives of 29 miners. The mine had experienced large gas inrushes from the floor on two known previous occasions, and natural gas was found emanating from floor fractures behind the longwall shields after the explosion, indicating a likely fuel source for the initial ignition. In succeeding months, another longwall mine operating in the same seam 15 miles away encountered smaller inflows of natural gas that halted production from two different longwall faces. Production was halted at a third longwall mine, 30 miles south of the first, in May 2011, when explosive levels of methane were detected inby the longwall face on the headgate. The same mine was evacuated on March 20, 2014 when a series of floor gas feeders were encountered on the longwall face. A literature review indicated that there has been little documentation or description of these events, and that their size and frequency are unknown. The most significant floor gas inrushes in the United States are believed to have been associated with longwall mining in the Pocahontas No. 3 Seam of western Virginia, in which an estimated 5.8 × 10~7 ft~3 of natural gas was expended from a floor feeder on the longwall face over a two-week period (Aul, pers. Comm.).
机译:2010年4月5日,西维吉尼亚州南部长壁矿场发生了一次以粉尘为燃料的大规模爆炸,炸死29名矿工。该矿在以前两次已知的情况下都经历过从地面喷涌的大量瓦斯,并且发现爆炸后长壁护盾后面的地板裂缝散发出天然气,这表明可能是首次点火的燃料来源。在随后的几个月中,另一处在15英里外的同一煤层中开采的长壁煤矿遇到了少量的天然气流入,导致两个不同的长壁工作面停止了生产。 2011年5月,在距第一个长壁矿井以南30英里处的第三个长壁矿井停止了生产,当时在闸门的长壁面发现了爆炸性的甲烷。 2014年3月20日,在长壁工作面上遇到一系列地面供气器时,同一矿山被撤离。文献综述表明,关于这些事件的文献或描述很少,并且它们的大小和频率未知。据信,美国最严重的底板瓦斯涌入与西弗吉尼亚州Pocahontas 3煤层的长壁开采有关,据估计,该底板的瓦斯消耗量为5.8×10〜7 ft〜3天然气长壁面上的喂料器要经过两个星期的时间(Aul,pers。Comm。)。



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