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Towards Privacy-assured and Lightweight On-chain Auditing of Decentralized Storage




How to audit outsourced data in centralized storage like cloud is well-studied, but it is largely under-explored for the rising decentralized storage network (DSN) that bodes well for a billion-dollar market. To realize DSN as a usable service in a fully decentralized manner, the blockchain comes in handy — to record and verify audit trails in forms of proof of storage, and based on that, to enforce fair payments with necessary dispute resolution.Leaving the audit trails on the blockchain offers transparency and fairness, yet it 1) sacrifices privacy, as they may leak information about the data under audit, and 2) overwhelms on-chain resources, as they may be practically large in size and expensive to verify. Prior auditing designs in centralized settings are not directly applicable here. A handful of proposals targeting DSN cannot satisfactorily address these issues either.We present an auditing solution that addresses on-chain privacy and efficiency, from a synergy of homomorphic linear authenticators with polynomial commitments for succinct proofs, and the sigma protocol for provable privacy. The solution results in, per audit, 288-byte proof written to the blockchain, and constant verification cost. It can sustain long-term operation and easily scale to thousands of users on Ethereum.
机译:如何审核像云集中存储外包数据是充分研究,但它主要是充分开发的不断升高的分散存储网络(DSN)是预示着一个数十亿美元的市场。为了实现DSN作为一个完全分散的方式可用的服务,blockchain就派上用场了 - 记录和验证存储的证据形式的审计线索,并此基础上,实施公平的支付必要的纠纷resolution.Leaving审计跟踪在blockchain报价透明度和公正性,但它1)牺牲隐私,因为他们可能会泄漏有关的数据信息被审计,以及2)链资源压倒,因为他们可以在尺寸上几乎大而昂贵的验证。在集中设置在此之前审核的设计并不直接适用在这里。提案靶向DSN不能令人满意地解决这些问题的少数either.We呈现审计的解决方案,地址上链隐私和效率,从与用于简洁样张多项式承诺同态线性鉴别码的协同作用,以及用于可证明保密西格玛协议。该解决方案的结果,每个审计,写入blockchain 288字节的证明,并不断核查成本。它可以保持长期的操作,轻松地扩展到数千用户复仇的。



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