首页> 外文会议>IAEE international conference;International Association for Energy Economics >DIESEL OIL DEMAND IN BRAZIL: DETERMINANTS AND 2030 FORECAST





OverviewFuel consumption increased strongly in the last fifteen years in Brazil. Diesel oil consumption was 35 billion liters in 2000 and 59 billion liters in 2014. It corresponds to a 4% growth rate by year (EPE, 2014). As Brazilian diesel production grew at a slower pace, diesel imports almost doubled, from 6 billion liters in 2000 to 11 billion liters in 2014.The transport segment (freight and passengers) was the main determinant of diesel demand growth in Brazil. It increased at a 7.2% rate a year between 2000 and 2014. Due to government incentives, 312 thousand new trucks were sold in 2011 and 2012 (EPE, 2013).The increase of diesel imports is currently a major concern of Brazilian authorities. New refineries were planned but as Petrobras is in a deep financial crisis, projects were postponed or suspended. As refine activity is not attractive in Brazil, the domestic supply must not increase substantially in the next years.The objective of this paper is to analyze the determinants of diesel oil demand from 2000 to 2014 and to forecast demand from 2016 to 2030. We use state level annual data to estimate a dynamic panel data model. Our intent is to contribute for the Brazilian energy planning throughout a robust analysis of diesel demand, which can be useful for demand management and supply decisions.The paper is organised as follows: The next section describes the methodology used to forecast diesel demand and shows the dataset used in the paper. The third section presents the results of the forecast. Finally, the fourth section concludes the paper and provides some directions.MethodsDiesel oil demand was estimated through a dynamic panel data model. The demand specification can be represented by:ğ‘_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡)=ğœŒğ‘_(ğ‘–,ğ‘¡âˆ’1)+ğ‘‹â€²_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡)ğ›½+ğ‘¢_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡); ğ‘–=1,…,ğ‘ and ğ‘¡=1,…,𑇠(1)where ğ‘_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡) is the diesel demand at the state i and time t, ğ‘_(ğ‘–,ğ‘¡âˆ’1) refers to demand in time ğ‘¡âˆ’1, ğ‘‹â€²_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡) is a vector of other variables that influences demand and ğ‘¢ğ‘–ğ‘¡ is the regression error. The error can be decomposed in ğ‘¢_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡)=ğ‘_ğ‘–+ğœ€_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡), where the fixed effect ğ‘_ğ‘– is the non-observed specific features that are constant in time in each Brazilian state and ğœ€_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡) is the idiosyncratic compound. We suppose ğ‘_ğ‘–ï½ğ¼ğ¼ğ·(0,ğœ_ğ‘~2) and ğœ€_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡)ï½ğ¼ğ¼ğ·(0,ğœ_ğœ€~2).To handle the endogeneity problem that results from the inclusion of the autoregressive term we applied the Arellano and Bover (1995) and Blundell and Bond (1998) method. The System Generalized Moments Method (System GMM) considers a system with variables in level and in first differences.Based on this econometric model, diesel demand equation can be especified as:ğ‘_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡)=ğ›½_0+ğœŒğ‘_(ğ‘–,ğ‘¡âˆ’1)+ğ›½_1ğ‘ƒ_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡)+ğ›½_2ğ‘Œ_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡)+ğ›½_3ğ¹+ğ›½_4ğ‘ƒğ‘œ_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡)+ğ›½_5ğ·+ğ‘¢_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡) (2)where ğ‘ƒ_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡) is the diesel oil price in the state i and time t, ğ‘Œ_(ğ‘–ğ‘¡) is income, ğ¹ oil diesel fleetand, ğ· is aregional dummy that identifies North, South, Center Westand and Souteast regions.From the estimated equation (2), we simulate future demand of diesel oil until 2030 to evaluate impacts ofdifferent economic scenarios on supply and demanand balance. Those scenarios include oil diesel price, incomeand fleet.The data set was provided by the Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels National Agency (ANP), by the Energy ResearchCompany (EPE) and by the National Traffic Department (Denatran). The data is annual and covers the periodfrom 2000 to 2014 for the 26 states and the Federal District.ResultsBy the econometric analysis, we conclude that diesel demand is inelastic to price variations. An 1% increase indiesel oil price will cause a 0.2% reduction on diesel consumption. This low price elasticity is due to the lack ofsubstitute fuels.Diesel demand is also inelastic to income variations. An 1% increase on consumer income will result in a 0.1%increase in diesel oil demand.In our diesel oil consumption forecast, it shows a moderate growth from 2015 to 2017. After 2019, consumptiongrowth accelerates as Brazilian macroeconomic situation improves. Table 1 shows the forecast of theconsumption and production of diesel fuel in the Brazilian market.In the demand and supply balance, we see that Brazil will be a net importer of diesel for most of the years. Weestimate exports only in 2017. After 2019, diesel oil production will not be enough to match the increasingdemand. So, diesel imports upsurge again.ConclusionsRegarding the relevance of oil diesel consumption for the fuel sector in Brazil, this research estimated thedemand determinants and developed a long term forecast model for oil diesel demand in the Brazilian transportsegment.The demand forecast for 2016-2030 indicates a strong demand increase in our reference scenario. So, Brazilianenergy policy must consider it as to provide security of supply of this .In our reference case scenario, the entry of the two new refineries (Abreu e Lima and Comperj) won’t be enoughto compensate diesel demand growth. As Brazilian economy recovers, diesel oil imports increases.
机译:概述 在过去的15年中,巴西的燃油消耗量大幅增加。柴油的消耗量在2000年为350亿升,在2014年为590亿升。这相当于每年4%的增长率(EPE,2014)。随着巴西柴油产量增速放缓,柴油进口量几乎翻了一番,从2000年的60亿升增加到2014年的110亿升。 运输部门(货运和乘客)是巴西柴油需求增长的主要决定因素。在2000年至2014年期间,它以每年7.2%的速度增长。由于政府的鼓励,2011年和2012年共售出了312,000辆新卡车(EPE,2013年)。 柴油进口的增加目前是巴西当局的主要关切。计划建设新的炼油厂,但由于巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)处于严重的金融危机中,因此项目被推迟或暂停。由于巴西的炼油业务吸引力不大,因此未来几年国内供应不得大幅增加。 本文的目的是分析2000年至2014年柴油需求量的决定因素,并预测2016年至2030年的柴油需求量。我们使用州一级的年度数据来估算动态面板数据模型。我们的意图是通过对柴油需求的全面分析为巴西的能源规划做出贡献,这对需求管理和供应决策很有用。 本文的组织如下:下一部分描述了用于预测柴油需求的方法,并显示了本文中使用的数据集。第三部分介绍了预测结果。最后,第四部分总结了论文并提供了一些指导。 方法 柴油需求是通过动态面板数据模型估算的。需求规范可以表示为: ğ'_(ğ'–ğ'¡)=ğœŒğ'_(ğ'–,ğ'¡âˆ'1)+ğ'‹â€²_(ğ'–ğ'¡)ğ›½+ğ'¢_ (ğ'–ğ'¡); ğ‘– = 1,…,ğ’和ğ‘¡ = 1,…,ğ’‡(1) 其中ğ'_(ğ'–ğ'¡)是状态i和时间t处的柴油需求,ğ'_(ğ'–,ğ'¡âˆ'1)表示时间ğ'¡âˆ'1中的需求,ğ'‹â_²_(ğ'–ğ'¡)是影响需求的其他变量的向量,而ğ'¢ğ'–ğ'¡是回归误差。可以将错误分解为ğ'¢_(ğ'–ğ'¡)=ğ'_ğ'– +ğœ€_(ğ'–ğ'¡),其中固定效果ğ'_ğ'–是非观察到的特定特征在每个巴西州的时间上都是恒定的,而ğœ€_(ğ'–ğ'¡)是特质化合物。我们假设ğ’_ğ’–ï½ğ¼ğ¼ğ·(0,ğœ_ğ’〜2)和ğœ€_(ğ’–ğ’¡)ï½ğ¼ğ¼ğğ·(0,ğœ_ğœ€〜2)。 为了处理由于包含自回归项而导致的内生性问题,我们采用了Arellano和Bover(1995)以及Blundell和Bond(1998)的方法。系统广义矩方法(系统GMM)考虑了系统,该系统的级别和初始差异是可变的。 基于此计量模型,柴油需求方程可以指定为: ğ'_(ğ'–ğ'¡)=ğ›½_0+ğœŒğ'_(ğ'–,ğ'¡âˆ'1)+ğ›½_1ğ'ƒ_(ğ'–ğ'¡)+ğ›½_2ğ' Œ_(ğ'–ğ'¡)+ğ›½_3ğ¹+ğ›½_4ğ'ƒğ'œ_(ğ'–ğ'¡)+ğ›½_5ğ·+ğ'¢_(ğ'–ğ'¡)(2) 其中ğ'ƒ_(ğ'–ğ'¡)是状态i和时间t中的柴油价格,ğ'Œ_(ğ'–ğ'¡)是收入,ğ¹柴油车队,ğ·是一个区域假人,标识北部,南部,中西部和南部地区。 根据估计的等式(2),我们模拟了直到2030年的柴油未来需求,以评估柴油对柴油的影响。 供应和需求平衡的不同经济情景。这些情况包括石油柴油价格,收入 和舰队。 该数据集由美国国家石油,天然气和生物燃料局(ANP),能源研究部提供。 公司(EPE)和国家交通部门(Denatran)。数据为年度,涵盖期间 从2000年到2014年,覆盖26个州和联邦区。 结果 通过计量经济学分析,我们得出结论,柴油需求对价格变化没有弹性。增长1% 柴油价格将使柴油消耗量减少0.2%。价格弹性低是由于缺乏 替代燃料。 柴油需求对收入变化也没有弹性。消费者收入每增加1%,收入将增加0.1% 柴油需求增加。 在我们的柴油消耗量预测中,它显示了从2015年到2017年的温和增长。2019年以后,消耗量 随着巴西宏观经济形势的改善,增长加快。表1显示了对 巴西市场的柴油消耗和生产。 在供需平衡中,我们看到巴西在大多数年份将是柴油的净进口国。我们 估计仅在2017年出口。2019年之后,柴油产量将不足以满足增长的需求 要求。因此,柴油进口再次高涨。 结论 关于巴西的柴油行业中石油柴油消耗量的相关性,本研究估算了 需求决定因素,并开发了巴西运输业中石油柴油需求的长期预测模型 部分。 对2016-2030年的需求预测表明,在我们的参考情景中需求强劲增长。所以,巴西 能源政策必须考虑到它提供了该供应的安全。 在我们的参考案例中,两个新的炼油厂(Abreu e Lima和Comperj)的进入是不够的 以补偿柴油需求的增长。随着巴西经济的复苏,柴油进口量增加。



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