
Manufacturing of Mycology Composites




Composite materials grown from fungi, known as mycology materials, provide anovel option for a natural biocomposite material – the entirely natural compositionallows for their disposal through composting, and provides the benefit of reduced impactfrom their manufacture due to being grown from agricultural or forestry wastes. Asmore uses are identified for mycology materials and the number of applicationsincreases, there is a greater need for information on the material’s behavior duringfabrication and manufacture. The purpose of this research is to determine the responseof mycology materials to commonly used manufacturing methods, including cuttingprocesses. Determining the suitability and resulting finish achieved from traditionalmanufacturing processes for mycology materials is a new area of research, useful toboth commercial and artisan users; the results of which can be used to help inform thedevelopment of applications that utilize the biocomposite material.Mycology materials are grown from carbon containing feedstocks, such as sawdust,by digesting the feedstock’s ligneous material to form the structure of the mycologymaterial. The mycology material is made from the vegetative part of the selected fungispecies that grow a network of individual strands of mycelium, called hyphae, to forma cellular material. Mycology materials form a biocomposite comprised of themycelium and the original feedstock, in this case wooden agricultural waste, with themycelium and feedstock analogous to the matrix and reinforcing fiber of a typicalsynthetic composite. Due to being a natural material, fabrication and manufacturingincludes the growth and processing of the fungi species that form the material, and thefollowing manufacturing methods used to shape the material. The growth andprocessing of mycology materials includes the use of molds for near net-shape forming,and the subsequent denaturing of the growing material into an inert material.
机译:由真菌生长的复合材料(称为真菌学材料)可提供 天然生物复合材料的新颖选择–完全天然的成分 允许通过堆肥处理它们,并提供减少影响的好处 因其是从农业或林业废物中生长而来。作为 确定了更多用于真菌学材料的用途和应用数量 增加,在此期间对材料行为的信息的需求就更大 制造和制造。这项研究的目的是确定响应 真菌学材料到常用的制造方法,包括切割 流程。确定传统产品的适用性和最终的光洁度 真菌学材料的制造工艺是一个新的研究领域,对 商业和手工艺用户;其结果可用于帮助告知 开发利用生物复合材料的应用程序。 真菌学材料是从含碳原料(例如木屑, 通过消化原料的木质材料形成真菌学的结构 材料。真菌学材料是由所选真菌的营养部分制成的 种生长着被称为菌丝的菌丝体单链网络的物种 多孔材料。真菌学材料形成了一种生物复合材料,其中包括 菌丝体和原始原料(在这种情况下为木制农业废料)与 菌丝体和原料类似于典型的基质和增强纤维 合成复合材料。由于是天然材料,因此制造和制造 包括形成材料的真菌种类的生长和加工,以及 遵循用于成型材料的制造方法。增长和 真菌材料的加工包括使用模具进行近净形成型, 然后将生长的材料变性为惰性材料。



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