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VerCors: A Layered Approach to Practical Verification of Concurrent Software




This paper discusses how several concurrent program verification techniques can be combined in a layered approach, where each layer is especially suited to verify one aspect of concurrent programs, thus making verification of concurrent programs practical. At the bottom layer, we use a combination of implicit dynamic frames and CSL-style resource invariants, to reason about data race freedom of programs. We illustrate this on the verification of a lock-free queue implementation. On top of this, layer 2 enables reasoning about resource invariants that express a relationship between thread-local and shared variables. This is illustrated by the verification of a reentrant lock implementation, where thread-locality is used to specify for a thread which locks it holds, while there is a global notion of ownership, expressing for a lock by which thread it is held. Finally, the top layer adds a notion of histories to reason about functional properties. We illustrate how this is used to prove that the lock-free queue preserves the order of elements, without having to reverify the aspects related to data race freedom.



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