首页> 外文会议>European conference on computer vision >The Static Multimodal Dyadic Behavior Dataset for Engagement Prediction

The Static Multimodal Dyadic Behavior Dataset for Engagement Prediction




The Rapid-Attention, Back and Forth, and Communication (Rapid ABC) assessment is a semi-structured play interaction during which an examiner engages a child in five activities intended to elicit social-communication behaviors and turn taking. The examiner scores the frequency and quality of the child's social behavior in each activity, generating a total score that reflects the child's social engagement with her during the assessment. The standard Rapid ABC dataset contains a daunting amount of detail. We have produced a static version that captures the action-reaction dynamic of the assessment as frames. We have conducted a user study on our dataset to see if subjects can predict the engagement of a child in the video. We presented subjects both frames from our staticMMDB dataset and the full video of the original MMDB dataset and found little difference in their performance. In this paper we show that computer vision methods can predict children's engagement. We automatically identify the ease-of-engagement of a child and provide evaluation baselines for the task.
机译:快速注意力,来回和交流(快速ABC)评估是一种半结构化的游戏互动,在此互动中,检查员让孩子参与五项旨在引发社交交流行为和转弯行为的活动。审查员在每次活动中对孩子的社交行为的频率和质量进行评分,得出总分,该总分反映了孩子在评估过程中与她的社交参与度。标准Rapid ABC数据集包含大量令人生畏的细节。我们已经生成了一个静态版本,该静态版本将评估的行动反应动态捕获为框架。我们已经对数据集进行了用户研究,以查看对象是否可以预测视频中孩子的参与度。我们同时介绍了来自staticMMDB数据集的帧和原始MMDB数据集的完整视频,发现它们的性能差异不大。在本文中,我们证明了计算机视觉方法可以预测儿童的参与度。我们会自动识别孩子的参与度,并为任务提供评估基准。



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