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A low cost signal acquisition board design for myopathy's EMG database construction




In the aim of inventing a new method of myopathy's EMG signals classification, diagnostic and treatment the first step is the creation of an EMG database. The raw EMG signals are rich in information but they have to be amplified, converted to a digital form and filtered to be useful in the diagnostic of myopathy. So, to create an EMG database a low cost and high performance acquisition board is designed. An instrumentation amplifier AD524, an Arduino board(to have a real time analogical to digital conversion) and a Wavelet based filter processed on Matlab software were used to obtain an exploitable EMG database. The correctness of stored signals is evaluated by comparing them with themselves when they were stored on computer using a digital scope(metrix 0X6062-II). An SNR metric of 74 dB is calculated, this SNR value is not sufficient to decide of the high performance of the acquisition board. Thus a turn back to compare the representation of a square signal obtained either with the designed board and with the digital scope was done. A calculation of some signal's parameters as period and amplitude shows that the new acquisition board reproduce the input signal shown directly on the screen of the digital scope more closely than that reproduced with the scope's generated data file.
机译:为了发明肌病的肌电信号分类,诊断和治疗的新方法,第一步是创建肌电数据库。原始的EMG信号具有丰富的信息,但是必须对其进行放大,转换为数字形式并进行过滤,以用于诊断肌病。因此,为了创建一个EMG数据库,设计了一个低成本,高性能的采集板。使用仪表放大器AD524,一块Arduino板(具有实时的模拟到数字转换)和在Matlab软件上处理的基于小波的滤波器来获得可利用的EMG数据库。当存储信号使用数字示波器(metrix 0X6062-II)存储在计算机中时,通过将其与自身进行比较来评估存储信号的正确性。计算出74 dB的SNR度量,该SNR值不足以决定采集板的高性能。这样就可以进行比较,以比较用设计的电路板和数字示波器获得的方波信号的表示。对某些信号参数(如周期和幅度)的计算表明,与通过示波器的生成的数据文件所再现的信号相比,新的采集板可以更直接地再现数字示波器屏幕上直接显示的输入信号。



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