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(In-)Formal Methods: The Lost Art A Users' Manual

机译:(in-)形式方法:The Lost Art A用户手册



This article describes an experimental course in "(In-)Formal Methods", taught for three years at the University of New South Wales to fourth-year undergraduate Computer-Science students. An adapted version was then taught (disguised as "Software Engineering") to second year undergraduate students. Fourth-year CS students at UNSW are typically very-good-to-excellent programmers. Second-year students are on their way to the same standard: but many of them have not yet realised how hard it will be actually to get there. Either way, whether good or on the way to good, few of these students have even heard of static reasoning, assertions, invariants, variants, let alone have learned how to use them... None of the simple, yet profoundly important intellectual programming tools first identified and brought to prominence (more than 40 years ago) has become part of their programming toolkit. Why did this happen? How can it be changed? What will happen if we do change it? Below we address some of those questions, using as examples actual material from the two related courses mentioned above; they were given in the years 2010-4. As an appendix, we present feedback from some of the students who took one course or the other. At the same time, some suggestions are made about whether, when and how courses like this one could possibly be taught elsewhere.
机译:本文介绍了“(正式)形式方法”中的实验课程,该课程在新南威尔士大学为四年制计算机科学专业的四年制学生开设。然后,改编版被教给(二年级的)本科生(伪装成“软件工程”)。 UNSW的CS四年级学生通常是非常优秀的优秀程序员。二年级学生正朝着同样的标准迈进:但是他们中的许多人尚未意识到到达那里的实际难度。无论是好的方法还是成功的方法,这些学生中很少有人听说过静态推理,断言,不变式,变体,更不用说学会了如何使用它们了……简单,但意义重大的智力编程都没有最初被确定并引起人们关注的工具(超过40年前)已成为其编程工具包的一部分。为什么会这样呢?如何更改?如果我们改变它会发生什么?下面我们以上述两个相关课程的实际材料为例,解决其中的一些问题。他们是在2010-4年获得的。作为附录,我们提供了一些参加过一门课程或另一门课程的学生的反馈。同时,就是否可以,何时以及如何在其他地方教授这样的课程提出了一些建议。



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