首页> 外文会议>Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers >High Impedance Differential protection system versus Low Impedance Differential protection system

High Impedance Differential protection system versus Low Impedance Differential protection system




High Impedance Differential (HID) is a classical busbar protection system that has provided a high degree of reliability in worldwide use over the past six decades. During the past five years, however, there has been a growing movement to replace HID with state-of-the-art numerical Low Impedance Differential (LID) protection systems. This raises a question: Given HID's record of outstanding service, is it necessary or advisable to replace this remarkable classical protection system with the new numerical LID? Or put another way, is the LID as good as classical HID? This paper attempts to answer this question based on a detailed theoretical and practical application analysis of both HID and LID protection systems. HID's record of outstanding performance speaks for itself. But LID's advantage is its ability to easily adapt to any application. One of the main reasons for developing LID schemes was to overcome “applications shortcomings” of classical HID schemes, primarily the need for an equal CT ratio and direct switching of CT secondary currents. This alone argues for a transition to LID protection, though it must be noted that LID has its own very different problems. This paper presents performance comparison results and draws conclusions that can be used as a guide in making a final selection of either protection system.
机译:高阻抗差分(HID)是一种经典的母线保护系统,在过去的六十年中,该系统已在全球范围内提供了高度的可靠性。但是,在过去的五年中,以最新的数字式低阻抗差分(LID)保护系统取代HID的趋势正在不断发展。这就提出了一个问题:考虑到HID出色的服务记录,是否有必要或建议用新的数字LID代替这种出色的经典保护系统?还是换一种说法,LID和传统HID一样好吗?本文试图根据对HID和LID保护系统的详细理论和实际应用分析来回答这个问题。 HID的出色表现不言而喻。但是LID的优点是它能够轻松适应任何应用程序。开发LID方案的主要原因之一是克服了传统HID方案的“应用缺陷”,主要是需要相等的CT比和直接切换CT次级电流。尽管必须指出,LID有其自身的非常不同的问题,但这仅主张向LID保护的过渡。本文介绍了性能比较结果并得出结论,可以作为最终选择任一保护系统的指南。



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