首页> 外文会议>Human Factors and Ergonomics Society;Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting >Circadian Effects on Simple Components of Complex Task Performance

Circadian Effects on Simple Components of Complex Task Performance




The goal of this study was to advance understanding and prediction of the impact of circadian rhythm onaspects of complex task performance during unexpected automation failures, and subsequent faultmanagement. Participants trained on two tasks: a process control simulation, featuring automated support;and a multi-tasking platform. Participants then completed one task in a very early morning (circadian night)session, and the other during a late afternoon (circadian day) session. Small effects of time of day wereseen on simple components of task performance, but impacts on more demanding components, such asthose that occur following an automation failure, were muted relative to previous studies where circadianrhythm was compounded with sleep deprivation and fatigue. Circadian low participants engaged incompensatory strategies, rather than passively monitoring the automation. The findings and implicationsare discussed in the context of a model that includes the effects of sleep and fatigue factors.
机译:这项研究的目的是增进对昼夜节律的影响的理解和预测。 意外的自动化故障以及后续故障期间复杂任务性能的各个方面 管理。参加者接受了两项任务的培训:过程控制模拟,具有自动支持功能; 和一个多任务平台。然后,参与者在很早的早晨(昼夜节律)中完成了一项任务。 会话,另一个在下午(昼夜)会话中进行。一天中的时间影响很小 可以从任务执行的简单组件中看到,但会影响到要求更高的组件,例如 那些由于自动化故障而发生的故障,相对于以前的昼夜节律研究是无声的 节律与睡眠剥夺和疲劳加重了关系。从事昼夜节律的参与者 补偿策略,而不是被动地监控自动化。研究结果和意义 在包含睡眠和疲劳因子影响的模型的上下文中讨论了这些术语。



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