首页> 外文会议>Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences >Introduction to Decision Making in Production Processes Minitrack

Introduction to Decision Making in Production Processes Minitrack




Manufacturing companies have to deal quickly with increasing competition and more individual customer requests. New intelligent technologies like RFID combined with appropriate organizational structures or decentralized and real-time based production control can handle these challenges. The efficient analysis of a production process, the selection of appropriate technical solutions or developing new approaches to deal with the special requirements of the area of manufacturing problems are essential for a successful participation on the market.The objective of the mini track is also to explore suitable paradigms to design, implement and deploy intelligent systems or adapt them to given contexts. We want to discuss the transferability of general-speaking concepts to shop floor level in the perspective of both, research and practice. Articles should illustrate the application decision making approaches in manufacturing context.
机译:制造公司必须迅速应对日益激烈的竞争和更多个人客户的要求。 RFID等新的智能技术结合适当的组织结构或基于实时的分散式生产控制可以应对这些挑战。对生产过程进行有效的分析,选择合适的技术解决方案或开发新方法来解决制造问题领域的特殊要求对于成功进入市场至关重要,因此迷你轨道的目的还在于探索设计,实施和部署智能系统或使其适应给定环境的合适范例。我们要从研究和实践的角度来讨论通俗易懂的概念到车间水平的可移植性。文章应说明制造环境中的应用决策方法。



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