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Recovering transitive traceability links among software artifacts




Although many methods have been suggested to automatically recover traceability links in software development, they do not cover all link combinations (e.g., links between the source code and test cases) because specific documents or artifact features (e.g., log documents and structures of source code) are used. In this paper, we propose a method called the Connecting Links Method (CLM) to recover transitive traceability links between two artifacts using a third artifact. Because CLM uses a different artifact as a document, it can be applied to kinds of various data. Basically, CLM recovers traceability links using the Vector Space Model (VSM) in Information Retrieval (IR) methods. For example, by connecting links between A and B and between B and C, CLM retrieves the link between A and C transitively. In this way, CLM can recover transitive traceability links when a suggested method cannot. Here we demonstrate that CLM can effectively recover links that VSM is hard using Open Source Software.
机译:尽管已经建议了许多方法来自动恢复软件开发中的可追溯性链接,但是由于特定的文档或工件功能(例如,日志文档和源代码的结构),它们并未涵盖所有链接组合(例如,源代码和测试用例之间的链接)。 )。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为连接链接方法(CLM)的方法,该方法使用第三个工件来恢复两个工件之间的传递性可追溯性链接。因为CLM使用不同的工件作为文档,所以可以将其应用于各种各种数据。基本上,CLM使用信息检索(IR)方法中的向量空间模型(VSM)恢复可追溯性链接。例如,通过连接A和B之间以及B和C之间的链接,CLM可传递地检索A和C之间的链接。这样,当建议的方法无法执行时,CLM可以恢复可传递的可追溯性链接。在这里,我们证明CLM可以使用开放源软件有效地恢复VSM很难实现的链接。



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