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Mining Stack Overflow for discovering error patterns in SQL queries




Constructing complex queries in SQL sometimes necessitates the use of language constructs and the invocation of internal functions which inexperienced developers find hard to comprehend or which are unknown to them. In the worst case, bad usage of these constructs might lead to errors, to ineffective queries, or hamper developers in their tasks. This paper presents a mining technique for Stack Overflow to identify error-prone patterns in SQL queries. Identifying such patterns can help developers to avoid the use of error-prone constructs, or if they have to use such constructs, the Stack Overflow posts can help them to properly utilize the language. Hence, our purpose is to provide the initial steps towards a recommendation system that supports developers in constructing SQL queries. Our current implementation supports the MySQL dialect, and Stack Overflow has over 300,000 questions tagged with the MySQL flag in its database. It provides a huge knowledge base where developers can ask questions about real problems. Our initial results indicate that our technique is indeed able to identify patterns among them.
机译:在SQL中构造复杂的查询有时需要使用语言构造和内部函数的调用,这对经验不足的开发人员来说很难理解,或者对他们来说是未知的。在最坏的情况下,对这些构造的错误使用可能会导致错误,导致无效的查询或妨碍开发人员的工作。本文提出了一种用于Stack Overflow的挖掘技术,以识别SQL查询中容易出错的模式。识别此类模式可以帮助开发人员避免使用容易出错的构造,或者如果他们必须使用此类构造,则Stack Overflow帖子可以帮助他们正确地使用该语言。因此,我们的目的是为推荐系统提供初始步骤,以支持开发人员构建SQL查询。我们当前的实现支持MySQL语言,并且Stack Overflow在其数据库中有300,000多个带有MySQL标志的问题。它提供了巨大的知识库,开发人员可以在其中提出有关实际问题的问题。我们的初步结果表明,我们的技术确实能够识别其中的模式。



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