
Using the P-TOSCA model for energy efficient cloud




The Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) standard is used to describe a cloud application and cloud architecture in order to allow a portable deployment to other compatible cloud and multi-cloud applications. P-TOSCA is recently proposed model and proved concept, which is an extension of the TOSCA standard to improve the TOSCAs ambiguities and weaknesses. In this paper we use the P-TOSCA model for other issues that are also very important in virtualized datacenters and cloud computing, that is, to enlarge/extend the energy efficient management system. A prototype application that dynamically creates a target virtual machine on utilized physical compute node, ports the application(s) from a virtual machine hosted on an underutilized physical server to the target virtual machine in Eucalyptus cloud is presented, which is specified with P-TOSCA. After migration, the prototype application will shut down the underutilized empty physical node.
机译:云应用程序的拓扑和编排规范(TOSCA)标准用于描述云应用程序和云体系结构,以便允许将便携式部署到其他兼容的云和多云应用程序。 P-TOSCA是最近提出的模型和经过验证的概念,它是TOSCA标准的扩展,以改善TOSCA的歧义和弱点。在本文中,我们将P-TOSCA模型用于在虚拟化数据中心和云计算中也非常重要的其他问题,即扩大/扩展节能管理系统。提出了一个原型应用程序,该应用程序在已利用的物理计算节点上动态创建目标虚拟机,并将应用程序从未充分利用的物理服务器上托管的虚拟机移植到Eucalyptus云中的目标虚拟机,并由P-TOSCA指定。迁移后,原型应用程序将关闭未充分利用的空物理节点。



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