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J-Distance Discord: An Improved Time Series Discord Definition and Discovery Method

机译:J-Distance Discord:改进的时间序列Discord定义和发现方法



A time series discord is a subsequence that is maximally different to all the rest subsequences of a longer time series. Classic discord discovery has been used for detecting anomalous or interesting pattern, which usually represents the most unusual subsequences within a time series. However, an anomalous or interesting pattern may happen twice or more times so that any instance of this pattern is not distinct enough to be a top discord. To mitigate the issue, we propose an improved definition named J-distance discord (JDD), which incorporates the methodologies of KNN (k nearest neighbor) algorithm. JDD measures the similarity between a subsequence and its Jth most similar subsequence and ranks discords according to the similarity. We also propose a JDD discovery method to reduce the extra computational requirements brought by JDD definition. Experiments on synthetic and real world datasets show that JDD captures more de-facto anomalous and interesting patterns compared to the results of the original definition of discord. Besides, the JDD discovery method is as fast as the classic discord discovery method in terms of computational efficiency.
机译:时间序列不一致是与较长时间序列的所有其他子序列最大不同的子序列。经典的不和谐发现已用于检测异常或有趣的模式,通常表示时间序列中最不寻常的子序列。但是,异常或有趣的模式可能会发生两次或更多次,因此该模式的任何实例都不足以引起最大的不和。为了缓解该问题,我们提出了一种改进的定义,称为J距离不和谐(JDD),该定义结合了KNN(k最近邻)算法的方法。 JDD测量子序列与其第J个最相似的子序列之间的相似性,并根据相似性对不和谐进行排序。我们还提出了一种JDD发现方法,以减少JDD定义带来的额外计算需求。在合成和现实世界数据集上进行的实验表明,与原始不和谐定义的结果相比,JDD捕获了更多实际的异常和有趣的模式。此外,在计算效率方面,JDD发现方法与经典不和谐发现方法一样快。



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